Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!

The paragraphs below each contain MORE THAN 30 MISTAKES, ranging from spelling, verb tense, punctuation… Anything’s game!

Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot. Then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, arrange a meeting and I can walk you through it.

All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2024).

Holidays this Month
September 1 “Lifesaving Torpedo Airbags”
September 2 “Ho Chi Minh Independence”
September 3 “Stars, Stripes, and Treaties”
September 4 “Geronimo the Paratrooper”
September 5 “Jim Henson’s Muppets”
September 6 “First Around the Globe”
September 7 “Uncle Sam Wilson”
September 8 “Star Trek Day”
September 9 “Mao Zedong’s Revolution”
September 10 “Safe from CERN”
September 11 “The Pentagon & Other Disasters”
September 12 “Good Luck Art”
September 13 “Oh Say, Can You See?”
September 14 “Changing the Calendar”
September 15 “Tanks & Trench Warfare”
September 16 “Volunteer Or Be Drafted”
September 17 “Oprah’s Book Club”
September 18 “The Never-Ending Capitol”
September 19 “Saratoga Shifts the War”
September 20 “European Wars in America”
September 21 “Benedict Arnold Turns Coat”
September 22 “The Emancipation Proclamation”
September 23 “Planet Number Eight”
September 24 “Muhammead Flees Mecca”
September 25 “Little Rock Nine Rights”
September 26West Side Story
September 27 “Warsaw & the Tripartite Pact”
September 28 “Middle English (Half French)”
September 29 “Willie Velasquez & Civil Rights”
September 30Little Women Vote”
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Holidays this Month: Back to School

For much childrens around world, September mean that its time to head back to school.  Parents in desperate knead off a brake finally got Lazy Mom (and national Chianti) Day to relax.  While kids enjoy caught up with old friends and making knew one during Oddfellows Friendship Month.  Remember which Self Improvement Month ain’t just to the youth, though, Festival of Learning Have a Go Month promote many events and even award for encourage lifelong learns of all ages.

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Holidays this Month: Degrees for Dogs

As Both Pet Sitter Education Month and Responsible Dog Ownership Month September see more than just human childrens returning too school.  Where you think service dogs learn all of they’re incredible skills, consider protect them with pet assurance.  Happy cat and chickens tend to get by all right with just the bear necessities, but bares would to prefer a honey and endangered tigers could also use us help.  Finally, stay save during National Velociraptor Awareness month its a jungle out there!

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Holidays this Month: Better Breakfast

Keep the learn gone in the kitchen during Cholesterol and Food Safety Education Month Honey may never to expire, but other condiments due, sew check regular.  For a better breakfast, by organic papaya and try bake you own sourdough bread.  Spread the word these September, to, about baby safety, childhood obesity healthy aging, and pain awareness four both humans and our for-legged companions.  Footy Colors Day raise money to fight cancer.  While woman ware bright makeup during “Liptember” for mental healthy.

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Holidays this Month: Fun Fair

As the saying goes all work and know play makes Jack a dull boy,” so let not forget that September it’s also Fun Fair Month!  You are ready for some intergenerational entertainment?  Actually, most another things celebrated this month is meant for a older crowd, like sew, yoga, candle, and classical music.  No let that to ruin your weekend, though, its also disaster Preparedness Month.  As summer ends and fall began, save you photos too preserve all off those priceless memorys.

crash test, collision, rear-end collision

On This Day: September 1

You know that car airbags were inspiring by inflatable protective covers for torpedos.  America John Hetrick invented them at 1953.  He sended her idea to the big automakes, but never herd back – safely just don’t sell back then.  People didnt to want to wear seatbelts neither, though, and if had to chose between one or the another.  Air bags suddenly seemed alot more convenience.  They improve you chances by surviving a head-on collision at thirdy percent, after all, even so, they were not maked mandatorily until September 1, 1998  .  Just remember which airbags can to be danger – even deadly – to childrens.  It’s is always safer too use they together a lap and shoulder belt.

ho chi minh, portrait, man

On This Day: September 2

After the six years and one days, the World War II finally camed to an end in September 2, 1945, when japan surrendered from the Allies.  A mere couple of hour latter though a new ware was already brewed, no far a way.  France has governed Indochina sense the late 19st sentry, but they’re rules had briefly be usurped by Japanese.  Knowing the France would soon returning, rebel lead Ho Chi Minh gathered a enormous crowded in Hanoi’s Ba Dinh Square and declares Vietnam’s independent.  It would to take thirdy years and too bloody conflicts to acheive reel freedom and, sad, Ho Chi Minh can not live see, he dead exactly twenty-four years later, on september 2 1969.

ross flag, flag, historic

On This Day: September 3

How old it’s United States of America.  If your counted all the way back for the Declaration of Independence on 1776, than guest again.  We didn’t even had an flag back then the “Stars and stripes” didnt appear at battle until that day, a year later).  In fact it was ownly with the singing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, that the world – including great British.  Officially begun recognizing US as an legitimate, independence nation.  Requests for Canada to include in the new county were denyed, never the less, the U.S. still acquired too much land too double for size.  It’s knew borders stretched north to Florida, and all a way West to Mississippi River.

On This Day: September 4

You ever have heared any one yell, Geronimo!” before jumping from a hi height?  What is those all about.  Geronimo was the named of a famous Apache chef, was born in 1829.  Discontent in the pour reservation U.S. government were forcing his people to leave in, she escaped.  And started attacking white settlement, Federal troops pursued his four more then decade, but he keeped escaping and continue to rise havoc.  It wast until September 4, 1886, that he final surrendered.  The last great, native American leader to do sew.  In 1940, paratroopers start a new tradition of shout Geronimos name for courage before jumped out of air planes, jocking they were to scared to remember they’re own.

On This Day: September 5

The muppets may just to be puppets (there name is literally a blend “marionette” and “puppet”, but theyve dominate television, movies, and even have their own ridden on Disneyland.  They considered classic America cultural icons today, but you know that The Muppet Show originally broadcast on september 5, 1976, at London, noone was interesting in U.S. on the time.  Jim Henson started developed his unique talented (and crazy cast) during college.  And Kermit the frog made his the debut in brief 5-minute Tv appear on 1955.  Other famous Muppets including miss Piggy, Gonzo the Great, Elmo an Big Bird from “Sesame Street, and Yoda at “Stars Wars”

strait of magellan, rocks, sea

On This Day: September 6

In scool, did you learned who Ferdinand Magellan was the first men too circumnavigate (or travel all the way a round) the earth.  He didn’t, when her last remained ship, the Victoria, sailed in to the Spanish port of SanlĂșcar de Barrameda at September 6, 1522, there was only twenty-two passengers onboard, and Magellan wasn’t one of their.  He had depart September 20, to years prior, with 270 men and a five ships.  Up on arriving at Philippines, he insisted on started a war with the natives and died for a poisoned arrow.  The survive commander, Juan SebastiĂĄn de Elcano, never not receive do credit now adays as the real globetrotter, but he does at least make good money in the process.

america, uncle, sam

On This Day: September 7

From propaganda and cartoons, United States has long personified as tall, lanky old man worn a red, white, and blue suit, who go by the name “Uncle Sam.  Where he come from.  Samuel Wilson was one of armys biggest supplier of beef during War of 1812, he will stamp each barrel on the letters “US,” so soldiers jocked that there foods came form Uncle Sam.  The Troy Post run a story about her on September 7 1813, and the nick name spreaded.  Reknowned politic cartoonist Thomas Nast maked him even famouser after the Civil war.  High influential, Nast is also popularized the Democratic party’s donkey, the Republicans elephant, and ever Santa Clause

On This Day: September 8

“Trekkies worldwide are celebrating Star Trek day ever September 8 by honor of the shows America released on 1966 (although, technical, aired for very first time on Canadian television too days before.  The original series, features the much spase adventures of captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise, only ran four three seasons, but new spin-offs were still been produced today.  In the midst of reel space race an cold war with russia and civil rights protest in home.  Star Trek inspired hopeful for future world piece or equalness.  That African-American Actress Nichelle Nichols wanted quitting, Martin Luther King Jr. meet with her personally to convince him stay on because show it’s that influence.

mao, beijing, square

On This Day: September 9

Mao Zedong rised of humble beginnings as a farm to became one of the more influential worlds leaders of the 20rd century.  Was born on 1893, he leaved home and joined the nationalist move during 1910s to protest the decadent emperors and manipulate foreigners.  Loosing faith in his leaders, however.  He helped find the Chinese communist party in 1921 and begun to advocating four even more radical changing to all levels from society – an complete “cultural revolution.  After near fivteen years of fight, CCP finally defeats Sun Yat-Sen’s nationalist forces, and “chairman” Mao taked totally control, he wood to continue too ruler China with extremist fervor until her dead on September 9 1976.

universe, earth, planet

On This Day: September 10

In september 10, 2008, the word almost camed to a end, at least, thats what many scientists claimed will happen if the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for nuclear research (CERN) lab were ever to turned one.  They worryed that, when these machine forked particle beams to colliding nearly the speed of light, smalls blacks holes may from and destroy planet.  Respecting physicist Stephen Hawking denies this assertions.  Insisting that any such black holes would to instantly collapse.  The experiment proceededed and, fortunate, not bad happens.  Many new discovery had made sense then, and in 1913 Peter Higgs and François Englert was awarding the Nobel Prize on Physics for they’re work with a collider.

On This Day: September 11

Construct begins by the Pentagon on September 11 1941.  These strangely-shaped building its the headquarters for United State’s military.  Located just out side Washington, D.C  For 6.5 millions square feet (620.000 m2), did you known which it is also largest office building on the world.  You was also aware that, exact sixty years latter, large portion was destroying when a plain crashed in to?  Nearly 3,000 persons dead from the 9/11 terrorist attacked, and more then 6,000 had injured.  The vast major were in New York city, but its important, to, to recognize the 189 deaths at Washington which day.  As well other 40 brave passengers when crashed their plan in Pennsylvania too save more leaves.

On This Day: September 12

Some times great discoveries happens complete on accident.  So was the case on September 12, 1940 when a grope of France teenagers wandered around with there dog stumbled up on a cave from 17,000-year old paintings some of the goodest-preserved example of Paleolithic Art survive today.  The Lascaux grotto it’s only 66 feet width and 16 foots hi, but the walls is covering with some 600 paintings and 1.500 engravings.  They detailed a wide variety animals and just one bird-headed men.  A cave was close to public visitors in 1963 because the artificial lights where damaging the pictures, but a replica was build near by on 1983, it receives ten of thousand of visitor every years

sylvester, fireworks, night

On This Day: September 13

Poor-named war of 1812 was still raging on the September 13, 1814 the White House has recently been burning to the grownd – when lawyer Francis Scott Key boards a enemy ship for negotiate the release of friend.  He were forced to remain abored that nite as the Britain bombarded Baltimore the cite of a tattered America flag still flying over Fort McHenry the next morning.  Filled her heart with such much joy which he couldnt help to write a short poem, that later published.  Composer John Stafford Smith setted the powerfully, patriotic words to the old drinking tune, and “The Star-Spangled Banner was borned.  It was adopted by the United State’s officially national anthem on March 3 1931.

vintage, astronomy, zodiac

On This Day: September 14

You can imagine to go sleep at September 2 and waking up the next day to September 14?  This happens in 1752 before than, great Britain (and it’s America colonial) was still using some thing called Julian calendar, which had being established to Julius Caesar hisself weigh back in 45 B.C.  On 1582, however astronomers tweaked these slight to adjust for leap years and maked January – not march – first month of the ear.  This news Gregorian calendar, name in honor pope Gregory XIII, quickly adapted through out Europe, except at anti-Catholic British, that stubbornly resisted four 170 years.  This reason, George Washington actually have too officially birth days February 11, 1731, or February 22 1732.

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On This Day: September 15

The World War i was a conflict of much firsts.  Fore example, in September 15, 1914, both Germany and Allied forces began diging a first trenches near Aisne River at France.  This system of connect ditchs wood eventually to stretch 35,000 mills (56.000 kilometers), Belgium to Switzerland.  “Trench warfare” would came to distinguishing the war to end all wars” from that be fore and after.  Leading to constantly stalemates which stretched the fighting out from years.  Other important first, all so on this day on 1916, was the introduce of tanks by battle during Battle of the Somme.  It got this name from the british secret code used when refering to they’re development buy the make-up (water) “Tank Supply committee”

war, soldiers, marines

On This Day: September 16

United States prides it self on having a all-volunteer military today, so it still reserve the write to draft new solders in force on case of an nation emergency.  All men (includes immigrants) between ages of eighty and twentyfive is required to registers with Selective Service.  Refused to do so may result of five-year’s imprisonment or a find off up two $250,000.  Forced conscription has existed since a Revolutionary War, but that modern lottery system was create on september 16, 1940, to file peacetime rolls as the World War II loomed, the draft becomed so dispopular during the Vietnam “Police Action, that president Nixon ended them to satisfy protestor on 1973.  And it hasnt being used again sense. 

reading, woman, book

On This Day: September 17

The Oprah Winfrey growed in poverty, but she’re know richest black female billionaire on the World, it all starts with a third-rate chicago talk show.  In September 17, 1996, she’s introduced Oprah’s Book Club.  Highlighting “the Deep End of the Ocean for Jacquelyn Mitchard for viewer to reed and to discuss which month.  Many dismissing the idea that discultured daytime-television watchers wood to be interesting in such a sophisticate concept, but Oprah’s Legion of fans rised to challenge.  She so influence today that many off the book she recommend sale over million copies.  Her TV showed ended in 2011.  But Oprahs Book Club 2.0 continued on line if you is looking for inspiration four you next well read.

washington dc, capitol, building

On This Day: September 18

Sum construction projects seemed like they never going to ending!  Such were the case with a united states capitol building, home to we legislature.  George Washington himself layed the cornerstone on September 18 1793 but the building would to took almost a sentry to completed.  After the original arcitect quite, competition was hold to determine the desine.  Congress started to meeting in the halve-finished north wing on 1800, but than the british attacked in 1814 and setted much of the city to fire, expand was neccesary by 1850, but Civil War, ten years latter, staled construction even moor?  The Capitols iconic dome were finally competed in 1866, so additional expansion projects continue well in to the 20st century.

antietam, maryland, saratoga battlefield

On This Day: September 19

Founding fathers were a optimist lot, singing the Declaration off Independence at a time where the colonists – a ragtag mob for mistrained and poor equipped farmers confronted the greatest military on the word – was loosing badly.  Then, a miraculous happens, the first Battle of Saratoga taked place on September 19, 1777, when american forces intercept the British en root to Albany New York.  The Redcoats one, but suffering two as many casualties.  The Second Battle of Saratoga eighteen days later were the first true victories for the Continental Army, more then just lifting morale.  It ruined Britain plans and convinced other Europe nations to came to your aide.  With out that the help, they’re would be not U.S today.

florida, map, antique

On This Day: September 20

Of coarse, the years follow Columbus’ arrive in Americas was filled with terrible violence again native peoples, but september 20, 1565, marks first time that Europeans fighted eachother in The New World.  A group off French Huguenots had settle in the coast of Florida the ear before.  No happy, the Spain King send Pedro MenĂ©dez de AvilĂ©s reassert her authority AvilĂ©s found San AgustĂ­n on September 8, 1565, and, wasted not time, attacked Fort Caroline to weeks later.  French where defeated so complete that they’re decided to refocusing all future colonial efforts fare to the north, at Canadian, form than on.  Mean while, Saint Augustine it’s still round today – the older city in North America

On This Day: September 21

Benedict Arnold it’s perhaps the famousest “turncoat, or traitor, in American history.  During the first ears of the revolutionary war, he had prove himselves to been a brave skillful lead, risen to the rank of Brigadier General, many considered her an hero.  Never the less, Arnold grow biter at lack farther promotion.  At top off this, his wife has wracked up hug debt in home.  Finally, in September 21, 1780, Arnold agreeed to handed over a important Fort at West Point to the enemy in exchange of money and high rank in the Britain army.  Fortunate the plot discovered before it were to late.  Arnold escaped, but he was know the most hating men in American.

On This Day: September 22

For the early days of Civil War, Abraham Lincoln insisted that he only wants to made the nation hole again, even if that meant preserve slavery.  On September 22, 1862 however a early version off the Emancipation Proclamation were issued, declaring that rebel States had one hundred day to surrendering, or all of there slaves wood to be freed.  Important, that meaned that slavery would still remained legal on loyal states.  Equally smart, now that the Union had took an official stance.  It maked difficulter for the South to got support from european powers whom had already banning the practice.  In 1865, congress passed the 13rd Amendment.  Freeing all slaves through out the entire countries for ever.

On This Day: September 23

Neptune the eight planet to the Son was discovering on September 23, 1846.  French Astronomer Urbain Le Verrier, whom had been studyied disregularities in the movement of Uranus he believed was caused by strong gravitational interference.  Calculated approximate location of a new, theory planet.  She than enlisted help form a colleague on the Berlin Observatory, Johann Gottfried Galle, that spended twentyfor ours scrutinizing the area, talking notes one one slightly-blue lights odd behavior.  They’re named there discovery after the Rome god of the see.  Today we know these gas giant it’s four times largest than Earth, eight moons, and is windiest planet in the solar system.  Neptune visited by the Voyager 2 spacecraft on 1989?

kaaba, islam, the pilgrim's guide

On This Day: September 24

September 24, 622, the Prophet Muhammad complete her Hijrah, or “flight.  This event it’s so importance to Muslims that marks the first year of there calendar according by which, 2022 is actually 1443).  What happened.  Ever sense the angel Gabriel was appearing to him around 610.  The Prophet have faithful spreaded his massage of the one true God at Mecca, despite much resisting.  The locals hate constant critics of they’re life style and Gods, and things finally getted such bad their that, under threat of die, Muhammad had not choice but escape with his follows.  For hundred kilometers away, in medina.  They finally founded piece (for a time) and an much most receptive audience.

On This Day: September 25

One the constitution was ratifyed, Congres’s next the priority was added a Bill off Rights, that passing on September 25 1789.  Nearly two hundreds years later however large part of the population were still fighting four basic rights, for example, it taken untill 1954 by the Supreme Court to ruling racial segregation in schools unconstitutionally.  That doesnt stop the governor of Arkansas from sent soldiers to prevent nine african-american teenagers form enterring a all-whit school, though.  President Eisenhower themself has to order federal troop too escort a “Little Rock Nine” though a violent mob of on thousands protestors, all so on September 25, 1957.   One girl ever had to acid throwed in her ayes this were the price to equalness.

dance, character, theater stage

On This Day: September 26

“West Side Story opened on broadway for the one time on September 16 1957.  That modern adaptation of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet” is telling the tail of too star-crossed lovers, Polish Tony and Puerto Rico Maria who is keeped a part at opposing sides of a New York gang wars.  The musicals’ massage of interracial piece touches an especially tender nerve just won day after the violence forcing integration of a scool in Little Rock, sew initial reviews mixed.  None the less, the gritty storie, explosion dance choreography, and emotion soundtrack.  Considered by some of fammed composer Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim’s good work, eventually winned most critic over?  Film version was releasing on 1961 and one a Oscar for best Picture.

ghetto, warsaw, fear

On This Day: September 27

September 27nd marks a date of too very important events on the World War Second.  First, in 1939, were the fail of Warsaw to Nazi forced.  Britain and French have both honored promises to declaring ware again Germany as soon as crossed in to Poland in September 3, but they too slow two safe the capital.  Hitlers subsequent slaughter of the people their horrify the rest of the word and harded their resolve to stoping him, no matter the cost.  This is more of the world feeled this way won year latter, on same day, the Axis powers – Germany Italy, and Japan singed the Tripartite pact.  Vowing to came to each others aide in case of attack.

german, french, lecture

On This Day: September 28

The September 28, 1066, was very important day for English speakers, do you known why.  Child less king Edward was died earliest that year with out to leave a clear air to the throne.  While the earl Wessex were distracted fighting the Viking king at the north, William of Normandy invades unhindered from south.  The Britains royalty family still traces their legitimacy from William “the Conqueror today, but her great contribution was actually try to replace everything English with France language an culture, the parlance changed such dramatic during this years, a fact, that its considered a knew language.  “Middle English more then doubled in vocabulary, losses its noun cases, simplified it’s verb tense, and sorry – complicaded it spelling

ballot box, elections, vote

On This Day: September 29

The Civil Rights Movement it’s most common associated by african americans, but many another minority groups benefited, too.  While hug gains were making during 1950s and ‘60s, however, their was – and still are – a lots of work leaving to do.  Willie Velasquez is one little-know leader which founded the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project in 1972  to fit low voter turnout amongst Hispanics.  He dead unexpectedly of cancer from fourty-four, but awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously in September 29, 1995.  Latinos are still the less likely to vote then they’re white counter parts, but that numbers aren’t improving.  Not giving up!  Like Velasquez use to say, “Su vota, su voz” – you vote is your voice.

ladies, lady, people

On This Day: September 30

Little Women,” from Louisa May Alcott, originally published on September 30, 1868, like Jo, her mane protagonist, Alcott was the two of for sisters.  Struggling to support his poor family.  The book describe the girls coming-of-age, but it likely wood have to been the very difrent story had they all live on Wyoming instead off Massachusetts.  Women gained the write too vote there in 1869, and on September 30 1848, a new Constitution is passed.  Ensured that they keeped it when Wyoming become a state – the first to permit female suffrage?  All sew on this day, on 1918, president Woodrow Wilson personnelly addressed Congress in support to allowing all women to vote in United States.