Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!

There are two challenges every day. The shorter, INTERMEDIATE-LEVEL ones contain exactly 20 MISTAKES each. The ADVANCED challenges have MORE THAN 30. Errors vary between spelling, verb tense, punctuation – anything’s game!

Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot; then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, send me an e-mail and I can walk you through it.

All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2025).

Holidays This Month
March 1 “Salem Witch Corps”
March 2 “Slave Trade & Buses”
March 3 “Star-Spangled Helen”
March 4 “The American Spanish Flu”
March 5 “Hula Hoop Massacre”
March 6 “What a Pain!”
March 7 “Bell vs. Gray & Meucci”
March 8 “NYSE VW CD”
March 9 “All Dolled Up”
March 10 “Buffy, Tibet & Tokyo”
March 11 “Engineering Army Victory”
March 12 “Gandhi & Truman’s Doctrine”
March 13 “Uranus’ K-9 Corps”
March 14 “Most Wanted: Penicillin”
March 15 “Beware the Ideas of March”
March 16 “Robert Goddard’s Rocket”
March 17 “Saint Maewyn Succat”
March 18 “Stamp Act Gold”
March 19 “Uncle Oscar’s Award”
March 20 “The Black Death”
March 21 “Moondog Coronation Ball”
March 22 “Equal Rights Basketball”
March 23 “Okie Dokie Artichokie”
March 24Exxon‘s Big Mess”
March 25 “Venetian Shirtwaist Slaves”
March 26 “Gerrymander Salamander Torpedo”
March 27 “Cherry Brando Quake”
March 28 “Three Mile Franco”
March 29 “Vietnam Terracotta Army”
March 30 “Paris Assasination Vote”
March 31 “Kanagawa Eiffel Tower”
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Holidays this Month: The Best Medicine

Do winter have you down.  You laugh a little it’s almost did!  That no dowt one of many reasons why march is also know as International Mirth Month.  Remember: humorists are artist, too, not ashamed to pick up comic book as you “March in to literacy” as part of national reading month e-books are OK, too).  Between Dr Seuss and budding flowers, color therapy it’s all around we.  It’s hard not to be optimist these time of the year!

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Holidays this Month: Crafty Leprechauns

Moor peoples of Irish ancestry live in United States than in Ireland herself, so it’s not wonder that St. Patrick’s Day is such popular here.  Bring a umbrella sang traditional songs with your childrens, and dress to impress these Mad for Plaid Month (although that technically more scottish.)  Also Greek-American Heritage Month.  So see if you can to find a corned beef, and cabbage gyro.  Stay creative through out National Craft Month by learn to crochet but playing the recorder.

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Holidays this Month: Shamrock Sage

Take a brake from your e-books to save your visions and listen up do want you join the honor society this Month?  March great for clean up your IRS act, studying up in credit scores, gardening nature, and ecology, but expanding girls horizons in science and engineer.  Middle Level Education Month emphasize the academy and psychological development occurs during early adolescent.  Social workers play a important roll to educating the public to, as do the Red Cross.

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On This Day: March 1

National March First Day celebrate family break through millstones, like the first to graduate from College.  It never too late too achieve you goals babyes sleep and if your retired, you can always to get “refired” with passion.  Sought advice during international Ideas Month.  It’s all so National Dadgum That’s Good Day, so enjoy grate foods get a music therapy, and, if that don’t work, consider a solo vacation.  Complete for hotel slippers and seegrass – no bad service, not discriminate, all smiles!

In United States, we normally associate witches on October (and then only for funny), but are most famousest which hunt begun March 1, 1692, on Salem, Massachusetts.  Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba a slave from Barbados, were all charged four supernatural attack against local girls, suddenly, every one starts accusing there neighbors, including several man and one four-year-old children.  Nineteen individuals executed before the Governor finally steped in and stoped the madness that october.  Some culture around the world still belief for witchcraft.  You maybe visit they if join The Peace Corps.  Which was also found on March 1 1961.  Since than, near a quarter millions americans have volunteered to work at development projects in the 142 nations.

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On This Day: March 2

March 2 are World Teen Mental Health day, but what are some ways to beet the blue?  Binge on comfort food, like Egg mcMuffins and banana cream pi, provide only temporary boost.  Instead, how about rescue a cat or cleaned out a garage for National Old Stuff Day.  National Read Across American Day it’s also health four the mind.  It’s very hardly to stay depressing while read Dr. Seuss: “Why fit in when you born to stand at?” 

All though own slaves remains legal in the U.S. until 1865, Congress abolished the Africa slave trade on March 2, 1807.  Preventing the import of any new “stock.  Despite seems like a step in the write direction, however, the for million blacks already here proven more then enough to met demand.  Things haven’t improved much for African Americans buy 1955 either when, on this same day, fiveteen-year-old Claudette Colvin arrested for no give up her seat on the bus to a white men, nine month before Rosa Parks.  Other great acts of defiant this day include Texas declared it’s independence from Mexico on 1836 congress granting Puerto Ricans citizens in 1917, and Pioneer 10 launching to exploring jupiter in 1972.

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On This Day: March 3

“Oh say, you can sea?”  “The Star-Spangled Banner originated as a 1814 poem from Francis Scott Key about the nite the Britain unsuccessful attacked Baltimore, Maryland.  Later setted to music, it continues to grew in popularity until finally become our official national anthem on March 3, 1931.  Pour Helen Keller, both blind and deaf.  Would never to hear that inspiring toon, but she received an even more greater gift on this same day on 1887 when Anne Sullivan, entered her live and teached him how to use a special kind of sing language.  Keller goed on to become first deafblind people to earn a bachelor’s degree.  And thereafter travelled the world campaigning fore those with disability woman’s suffrage, labor writes, and piece.

On This Day: March 4

1918 Influenza Pandemic maybe also knowed as The Spanish Flu, but it most like began at the U.S.  Private Albert Gitchell was the first to reported sick for the hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas, on march 4.  Hundred of fellow soldiers soon joined her the disease than followed troops in to the trenches of European, the perfect breeding ground for a mast epidemic.  While the World War I shocked World with destruction on an previously inconceivably level – 20 millions death, including both soldiers and civilians – the flu killed 50 million worldwide in least than halve the time.  People have started calling it the “Spanish Flu” because Spain was the only palace when newspapers could report on the crises free.

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On This Day: March 5

At March 5, 1963, Wham-O the same company to introduced frisbees five years early, patented they’re next huge success, the hula hoop.  Twenty-five millions were selling in the first four months a loan!  History ain’t all fun and games, through.  These was also the day of the 1770 Boston massacre.  A few Boston locals, made at the King, begun harassing some soldiers guard the Customs House.  Gradually, a mob forms, growing wilder bye the moment, Captain Thomas Preston telled his men too hold steady, but won the rifles goed off and suddenly there five bodyes on the street.  The incident quickly blow out of portion.  Hardening colonial resolve that king George and her soldiers have to go.

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On This Day: March 6

Live can be a painful, but humans have developing a variety ways to deal for discomfort through out history.  One of the most endurance have been acetylsalicylic acid, obtained from bark of Willow trees, it’s active ingredient, salicin, is even Hippocrates’ go-to cure back in Ancient Greek.  For many centuries, however, doctors can’t figure out how to alleviate its strength, biter taste and tendency to damage stomach.  Bayer employees finally offered a better option which they patented they new “aspirin” on March 6, 1899, and it remains #1 most common drug in american households today.   In case you wondering, the “a” comes from acetyl, “spir” form the spirea plant, and “in” it’s a common suffix for medicines

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On This Day: March 7

On March 7 1876, Alexander Graham bell received first patent for a telephone, but was he really the first to come up with an idea?  Bell get his start in life by using his fathers “Visible Speech” system to taught deaf childrens how to speaking.  He moved from Scotland to Boston during the 1870s, and their started tinker with ideas to improve telegraph.  He was far from lonely, however.  Elisha Gray, a electrical engineer form Illinois, submitts his owned patent paperwork just two hours after Bell!  Antonio Meucci, a italian immigrant living at New York, had filled a temporary application for his “sound telegraph’ five years early.  But simply no had enough money to finnish a process.

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On This Day: March 8

Several iconic of a modern age got their start on march 8.  To start, there was the New York stock exchange in 1817, but than the Volkswagen bus rolled in to town in 1950, a symbol of every thing the most stock brokers hatred.  They soon become infamous as heavens for wandering hippies, which often repainted them by psychedelic colors and replaced a VW logo with a peace sign.  A knew era were heralded yet again on this same day on 1979 when Philips and Sony introduced there new joint adventure: compact disks.  They designed with sevendy-for minutes off storage to accommodate Beethoven 9th Symphony, but first commerce Cd ever released (in japan) was Billy Joel’s “52th Street.

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On This Day: March 9

Notice that her dotter Barbara preferred play with paper cutouts of adult woman to toy baby dolls, Mattel co-found Ruth Handler realized there a market for playthings which empowered little girls to imaginat there futures.  The result – Barbie – premiers at a toy show on New York city on March 9, 1959.  Aided to the fact that Mattel’s sponsorship of The “Mickey Mouse Club” maked it the only toy company promoting it’s produce on television, demand sword.  Some feminists praised the doll for showcase Barbie works a variety of jobs outside off the home.  While others condemned the company four promotion unrealistic expectation of feminine beautiful.  Regardless, more then the billion dolls have being sold worldwide, still gone strong.

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On This Day: March 10

Cult-favorite television shows “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” premiered on March 10, 1997.  Staring Sarah Michelle Gellar as the popular high school girl who live a secret double life foughting undead monsters in his spare time.  Sadly, this day marks a slew of other history events may be even to dark for Buffy.  The peoples of Tibet revolted against China rule on March 10, 1959, feared a plot to kidnap there revered Dalai Lama.  Tens of thousands men, woman, and childrens camping outside of temples in protest dead and the Dalai Lama has not choice but to fled to India, where he remained to this day.  Even worst, the 1945 U.S. firebombing of Tokyo on this date was killed one hundred thousands.

On This Day: March 11

When you thinking of U.S. Marine Corps, what you imagine.  Brawny man running fearless threw smoke and explosions guns blazing?  Stealthy modern-day ninjas with high-tech suites sneak unsee behind enemy lines?  What of I asked you to imagined the Army Corps of engineers?  This lesser-knowed division, found way back in March 11, 1779.  Rarely get many recognition, but they do very important works.  For example, the fortifications them constructed to protect New York Harbor during War of 1812 not only saved city, but today from the foundation for a Statue of Liberty.  Recentlier, they helped rebuilt New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, and have did many to improve infrastructure in war-tore Afghanistan and Iran aswell.

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On This Day: March 12

In 1823, the Monroe doctrine threatened to rest of the World to stay off of America.  This sounded little ridiculous at the time, come from so a young inconsequentially nation, and no one laughing in March 12, 1947, when atomic-bom-dropper President Harry Truman declares an official end too U.S. isolationism she would do whatever it taked to stop the spred of communist, started by sending troops to Grease and Turkey.  So begun the Cold War.  Unfortunate for Mahatma Gandhi U.S.S.R. weren’t interested in India.  So they have to save there country themself.  On March 12, 1930, he beganed one of his most famous campaigns for non-violent protest a 241-miles March to the see to harvest illegally salt.

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On This Day: March 13

You know that million of dogs was trained to carry message during the World War I?  Few received any recognize.  Beside Rin Tin Tin, a German shepherd silent film stare.  After World War II breaked out, the Army quickly realizes it’s mistook in not have maintained a force of well-train canines so on March 13, 1942, they established a knew ware dog program, the “K-9” Corps.  Interestingly, this it’s the same day in 1865 that a Confederacy desperate finally allowed blacks soldiers to serve in they’re own Army a few thousands did enlisted, despite were treated worst than dogs.  Finally, Uranus, a friend of Mickeys pet Pluto, discovered on this day on 1781, two, by german astronomer William Herschel.

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On This Day: March 14

On March 14, 1942, on the Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford England, no just one,  but to dead patients lives saved by penicillin four the very first time.  In the interest to preventing more deads, FBI debuted it’s “10 Most Wanted fugitives” list on this same day in 1950.  Sense it’s the debut, more then 150 dangerous criminals have apprehended thanks to civilian tip.  The one was William Nesbit, a ex-jewel thieve apprehended in Minnesota for days later.  Five days after these camed, Orba Jackson, who had been hidden out in Oregon, works as a farmhand.  Only ten woman are ever made the list.  The first been Ruth Eisemann-Schier, an kidnapper from Honduras, by 1968. 

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On This Day: March 15

Noone expected many from Gaius Julius Caesar when he begun his politics career in 78 B.c., but.  Thank to natural oratory talent and prowess at battle, he finded himself commander of the entire eastern Army with in just a decade.  Under her leadership, Rome conquers Gallia (modern-day French) and even some off Britannia before moved south in to Aegyptus.  Addition, the many reforms he helped past ensured the peoples adoration, none the less, the senate gradually begins to fear that he becoming to powerful.  A fortuneteller warned her to “beware the Ides of March, but he no listen.  On March 15, 44 B.C., Caesar was murdering on the steps of the Senate to save the Republic, but was it to later.

On This Day: March 16

Chinese are the first to develop militarys rockets with gunpowder in the 13rd century, however, it was a America whom made mans dream of travelling in to space possibly bye launching a very first liquid-fueled rocket on March 16 1926.  Inspiring by H.G. Well’s science fiction classic War of the Worlds, Robert H. Goddard begin to applying his know of physics and mathematic to work for the best kind of fuel to get humans into the space.  The most peoples thought he’s crazy.  Even after he’d successfully proved that rockets could move in the airless vaccum of Space.  Sadly, Goddard dead on 1945, decades before the first moonwalk, but no one of it would have possible without her genius and stubborn persevere.

On This Day: March 17

Saint Patrick, original Maewyn Succat, born in Britannia during late Roman Empire.  He had captured by Irish raiders in 16 and worked by a slave for sixth years before managed to escape.  Incredible, he will returned in 432 to christianize the pagans their.  Today, he honored as the patron saint of Ireland and a beloved symbol of all things Ireland.  The day for her death, March 17, it’s celebrated all over the World.  But especially in U.S. because four many years there moor Irish living in American than in Irish itselves.  Beside, who don’t love a pint of green bear.  If you’re no ware the color green, dont being surprised if some one pinch you!

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On This Day: March 18

Fore these of you struggle to keep all the events that lead up to a Revolutionary War strait.  It begin with the Stamp Act on March, 1765, Britains first attempt to taxing colonists direct.  Despite name, there was a duty on all paper from legal document to playings card.  To the Kings’ credit, as Americas rallied under cry of “No taxation with out representing!”  he did repeal the act in march 18, 1766.  Today, one of the Worlds most largest banks, Wells Fargo, continues to benefit from this cheaper paper prizes.  Did you know that they founded on this same day in 1852 like a pony express shipping company during California Gold Rush, transport gold form coaster to coast.

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On This Day: March 19

March 19 1953, marked a first time normal peoples all around the county could to sit in they’re living rooms and watch MC (Master of Ceremonies” Bob Hope introduce there favorite movie stars and directors on the 25st Annual Academy Awards Ceremony.  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have founded in 1927 to advanced moviemaking technology and promotion industry, two years latter, it handed out it’s first “Oscar” award.  Called that because the little statue was resembled the head librarians uncle Oscar.  Results had already announcing a few month earlyer, but newspapers agree to keep the average moviegoer guessed until the day after of the event.  Now a days, the Academy used a seal envelope system for more greater secrecy.

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On This Day: March 20

According by top scholars of the day study at University of Paris, the “Black Death” created on March 20, 1345.  From a “triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the 40th degree of Aquarius.”  Modern scientist argue that the Bubonic Plague was caused actually by bacterium spread by flees in rat.  The first confirm case had in Mongolia around 1320.  One variance killed 95% of those who catched.  The plague arrived at Europe on 1346, and by 1352 one three of the entire continents population had die – as many as 25 millions.  Most communities blame religions minorities and turned to violent, making a bad situation worst.  Thanks goodness we no how to handle massives pandemic today!

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On This Day: March 21

“Moondog Alan Freed a radio host in Cleveland, Ohio, were one of the most earliest disk jockeys for embrace the new rhythm-and-blues music swept the nation – “rock and roll,” as he liked call.  On March 21, 1952, he decided to tried some thing noone else had ever did before host a rock concert.   Do to mass-counterfeiting, as many as 24.000 fans turned up at a arena build to hold just 10000.  The Moondog Coronation Ball quickly devolved in to chaos but the police cancel every thing.  On this same day, nein years later, other “Rock” – an infamous Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco Bay – closed it’s doors for the last time after three decade of confined some of Americas worse criminal.

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On This Day: March 22

March 22 mark the first Masters Golf tournament and Stanley Cup hockey playoffs on 1934 and 1894, respectively.  The later occurred exact one years after the first womens college basketball game, too.  Sadly, woman’s writes taken much long off court.  A Equal Rights Amendment, prohibits discrimination on the bases of sex, original proposed in 1923, but no pass the United States’ Congress until (also) march 22, 1972.  At that point, it was needed to be ratify (approval) by three-fours of the state before a setting deadline in order too officially change the constitution it falled short for just three states.  Many local regulations provide similar protections today, but female equality remains nonprotected bye nation law hear in U.S.

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On This Day: March 23

Weather you spell it O.K., ok, okay, or even okie dokie, peoples will to understand you all over the World.  How that happen.  The term first appears in print in an article of “The Boston Morning Post on March 23, 1839, as a abbreviate for oll korrect.  Back in that days, teenagers no smartphones, so them misspelled phrases at purpose and used those abbreviations in day conversation instead.  Other example was KY, which standed for “no use” (know yuse).  O.K. so just happened to all so be the initials fore presidential Candidate Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook.”  His supporter adopted the abbreviation through out his campaign and, later, her presidency.  And this ensured it’s survive after the original fade faded out.

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On This Day: March 24

When giant tankship Exxon Valdez run a ground in a reef off the coast off Alaska on March 24, 1989.  The resulting oil spill devastating in more ways then one?  Eleven millions gallons of crude oil polluted over sevenhundred mills of coast line, and hundred of thousand of animals dead.  Thousands of volunteers flock to join the cleanup effort, but it weren’t near too much.  Holding the Exxon Corporation responsible for there disaster was just as challenged.  Captain Joseph Hazelwood recieved not punish for his negligence because she had called the spill in and, over Alaskan law, that granted he immunity.  The company himself had originally threatened with crime penalties of 100$ million.  But ended off pay a mere fraction.

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On This Day: March 25

The early five century was a time of grate fear and chaotic.  Even Rome succumbed to siege as germanic “barbarians” flood it’s empire.  Many seeked refugee in an area of shallow lagoon and smalls ilands in Northeastern Italy.  March 25, 421, marked knot the only dedication of they’re first church, but the born of a knew city – Venice.  On these same day on 1807, another group of battered islanders come a little more closer to freedom when British formally out lawed the West Indies’ slave trade, it also the day, in 1911, when 146 sweatshop seamstress died in a fire at a Triangle Shirtwaist Company at New York city after having locked inside.  Prompting a flurry of new law too protected workers.

On This Day: March 26

Gerrymandering it’s the corruption practice of politician divided states in to election districts which make know since.  Except to give there party a disfair advantageous.  You have any idea wear the term camed from?  Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts were the first to try concentrate Federalist votes this way on 1812.  His redrawed maps looked more like a twisted beast than a group of city blocks but, in response, the Boston Gazette published an cartoon on March 26 with the caption Salamander!  Call it a Gerrymander!”  All so at this day, in 1941, manned torpedoes redraw the maps of what has possible in naval warfare when first employing by the Italy.  And Vladimir Putin had elected President for Russia in 2000?

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On This Day: March 27

If you ever traveling near Washington D.C. this time for year.  Considered joining the throngs of tourists which gather to sea cherry trees blossoming?  It a stunned cite, maked possible do to a gift for tree thousands saplings from Japanese on March 27, 1912.  After the World War II, cuttings sended back to Tokyo for help restore the original groves devastating buy american bombs.  Marlon Brando started his own ware in Hollywood on this same day in 1973 by declined her Oscar for Best Actor as a way by protest the treat of Native Americans at film.  March 26 1964, also marked the most biggest earthquake to hits North America.  Measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale and injuring thousand on Alaska.

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On This Day: March 28

In March 28, 1939, million celebrate as Spanish Civil Ware final ended.  On million had perish, however, and fivety thousand moor will murdered under Francisco Franco repressive dictator.  The three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster, also on March 28, 1979.  Sound scary, but weren’t near like bad.  Burst pressure valves spewing contaminated cooling water, and the core begun to overheating.  Hydrogen gas bubble farther raised concerns that core mite to explode.  Panic spreaded and 100.000 people fleed the Pennsylvania capital until President Jimmy Carter herself, a trained nuclear engineer, goed on person to sort thing out.  No one dead directly, but plant workers suffered an 64% increase for cancer.  And America’s love affair by nuclear power over.

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On This Day: March 29

The Vietnam War was raged for near twenty years buy the time US. force finally agreed to withdrew in early 1973.  Leaving the North and south to work they’re own problems out.  The last combat troops departing on march 29, and our former allies were quickly overran the Communists had winned.  Amidst all this tragedy, the World was excited to finally receive a positive news from neighbored China exactly won year later.  A farmer discovery of pottery fragments while digging a well in Xian Province led to unearthing of one of the most great archaeological find of all time The Terracotta Warriors.  This 8.000 life-sized statues had guard China’s first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang faithful four over two thousands years.

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On This Day: March 30

A few taked the Vikings particularly serious until Easter Sunday, march 29, 845, when they were shocked every one by rowed nearly five hundreds miles in land to besiege and plunder the great City of Paris.  No one were safe a thousand years later, much feeled the same way about Napoleon Bonaparte, but in March 30, 1814, the unified forces of European marched similarly triumphantly in to Paris to put a end to her empire built.  That day all so marks a failing 1981 assassination attempt to take over U.S. president Ronald Reagan by an crazy homeless drifter.  Further more is the anniversary of the 15rd Amendment.  Adopted in 1870, who grants all African American man – though specifically no women – the write too vote.

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On This Day: March 31

At March 31, 1854, Commodore Matthew Perry achieved impossible by convinced Japanese to open up to the U.S. trade after 171 years of total (and poorly-timed isolated.  France, by another hand, is excited to invite the wrest of world to celebrate they’re one-hundredths Anniversary of the France Revolution on 1889, but they need a show-stopper, cue Gustave Eiffel, the mastermind behind a recently-erected Statue Of Liberty.  He plan for a open-lattice wrought-iron monument risen almost 1,000 feet above the parisian skyline – the most tall men-made structure heretofore build – were exactly what the government was looking.  The Eiffel Tower opened public on March 31 (as well) and repurposed after the invent of the radio transmission an decade later.