Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!
The paragraphs below each contain MORE THAN 30 MISTAKES, ranging from spelling, verb tense, punctuation… Anything’s game!
Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot. Then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, arrange a meeting and I can walk you through it.
All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2024).

On This Day: June 1
Sojourner Truth born a slave, but escapes and becamed first black woman to successfully Sue a white man for his son’s freedom. On June 1, 1843, at the age of fourty-six, she leaved home to “spoke the truth” in favor of equal for all? Helen Keller was both blind or deaf, but gone on to become a influence writer and lecturer, travelling the entire World to speak on behalf of the disabled womens suffrage labor writes, and world piece. She awarded the Presidential Metal of Freedom for years before his dead on June 1, 1968. Compared too that, Thomas Edison’s first patent on this same day on 1869 for a electronic voting machine is child’s play.

On This Day: June 2
Rome was no builded in a day, and it no fell in one, neither. Most historians agree that western Roman empire had completely collapsing by 476 a.D., when the last Emperor, sixteen-years-old Romulus Augustulus, was unseated from the barbarian general Odoacer. The germanic invasion begun in 406, however, resulting in the city it self was overrun and looted by Visigoths on 410 and Vandals on June 2 455. Other famous sack occurrs on these day in 1763 in modern-day Michigan a group of Chippewa Native Americans approached Fort Michilimackinac and offering to play an game of lacrosse with a soldiers . Them chased a stray ball in to the Fort and attacked from with in. Surprise this were the start off Pontiac’s Rebellion.

On This Day: June 3
Zoot suits was a popular fashion statement among young Blacks and Latinos through out 1930s and ‘40’s. Began on June 3, 1943, military personal frustrated by the rose in gangs roamed the street of Los Angeles with clubs, beat anyone wearing the attire. Many injured, but for least noone dead. Unlike in the Tiananmen Square Massacre . The death of a former Communist Party Head on April 14, 1989, had inspires 100.000 student two gather and demand democratic reforms. Bye June 3, with over a millions demonstrators filled the square, premier Li Peng ordered a military to end this protests by any mean necessary. Soldiers shoot indiscriminately in to the crowd. Killing hundreds and arrested as many tenthousand.

On This Day: June 4
The 19st Amendment, granting U.S. woman a write to vote, was finally past by Congress on June 4, 1919, ratify officially a years later. The suffragettes’ big brake had came with the outbreak of the World War I, when women proven there merit by taken up their husbands’ jobs during the countrys greatest necessity. Construction on Fort Necessity all so begun on June 4, 1754, to help save 22-year-old lieutenant Colonel George Washington form the wrath of a France officer who’s brother has been murder under his custody. Haphazard throwed up, the fort no offer much protection, and Washington forced to sing a confession to the murder on French, that he didn’t understood – a much inauspicious start for young leader.

On This Day: June 5
In June 5, 1967, the tiny, fledgling nation of Israel decided to took on its arab neighbors four refusing two acknowledge it’s exist They shocked everyone (especially Egypt by more then doubling in size by just six days. Exactly on year later, other tragedy rocked United States, already teared by anti-war protests and race riots. Following Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination two month prior. That, of course, come after President John F. Kennedy 1963 shooting, aswell . Her brother, civil rights advocate Robert Kennedy, were the favorite to follow his footsteps in to officer, but then he, too, gunned down by a Palestine mad about Israel. Instead, Richard Nixon goed onto became one of Americas most-hated president.

On This Day: June 6
Austrians welcome Adolf Hitler as he marched in to her home country to claim it for Germany on 1938, but died and oppression followed a Nazis. By 1944, Hitler controlled the most of Europe, and the Allies’ only chance to winning World War II was a amphibious assault like never scene be for. It goed by codename “Operation Overlord, but is better knowed today as D-Day. On the initial assault on June 6 near Normandy France, America, British, and Canadia troops stormed the beaches with 160.000 troupes. Four thousands allied soldiers died, but it was justly the continental toehold them needed to completely change the war’s tide. France liberated with in three months and the German surrendered unconditional less then an year later.

On This Day: June 7
Small area don’t necessarily mean few peoples Singapore it’s only 280mi2 (726km2), yet it boats over five millions citizens. The most densest country, Macau, squeezes nearly seven hundred-thousand people in to just 13mi2 – 54.000 people per square mill! Came in second four both size an density is Monaco, comprising 3,7000 citizens in less then one mile squared. Teny Vatican City its just 0.19mi2. Having separate form Italy on June 7 1929. Five hundred people life their, but twenty-five thousands tourist visit dayly. This is also the day, in 1494, that a Treaty of Tordesillas was singed, dividing the New World between Spain or Portugal. Its the reason why Brazil remains only Portuguese-spoken country in south America?

On This Day: June 8
June 8 have being a popular day for major invasion that shaked the world. In 452, for example, Attila the Hun finally enters Italy. Four centuries, Germanic tribes had pushing in to Roman Empire to got away from him ancestors. Visigoths and Romans joined forces too stop Attila, but there armies virtually wiped out. He dead the year later from an nosebleed. The Prophet Muhammad all so passing away on June 8, 632. Inspiring her followers to spreading his words at the great Muslim Conquest. Finally, the Viking Age also dawn on these day in 793. When a group of longships from Norway were launched a violence surprise attack on St Cuthbert’s monastery of the coast of Northeast England.

On This Day: June 9
Mulsim seized control of Egyptian on June 9, 641, nine years (near to the day after the Prophets death. They’re great conquest seemed unstoppable until Odo of Aquitaine (modern-day French) defeated they at Toulouse these same day on 721. This is also a date in 1898 that China “rented” Hong Kong out too United Kingdom free of charge four ninety-nine years, and exactly too years after that when angry Boxer rebels burns down a Beijing racecourse. Symbolic of the Western privilege they was protested. Fortunately, that no stop Secretariat, arguably the greatest horse in history. From win the coveted Triple Crown in June 9, 1973, and set world record after covered 1,5 miles by 2 minutes, 24 seconds.

On This Day: June 10
In 1692, after to girls from Salem, Massachusetts, started suffered to mysterious convulsions and hallucinations, they’re dumbfounded doctors blamed whiches. Bridget Bishop was hanged on June 10, the first off forteen women and five men executed in the wave of sham trials witch followed. Sixty years later, America colonists considered themself many more enlightened. One of the greatest scientific minds were Benjamin Franklin: righter, politics, inventor, and lover of noledge. On June 10, 1752, him famously (albeit uncertain) flu a kite during a thunderstorm to proof the connection between lightning and electric. Another, moderner advancement for science also taked place this day on 2003, when the Spirit Rover launched NASA to begin it’s fifteen-year-long exploration for Mars.

On This Day: June 11
The first shoots of the Revolutionary War on April, 1775 was never suppose to happen. But it becomed many harder to avoid full-blown war after major battle at Fort Ticonderoga and bunker hill. On June 11, 1776, Thomas Jefferson and for others were grant tree weeks to compose an convincing document laying out there arguments of why americans could and should to split form Great Britain. Their Declaration of Independence had presented to Congress on June 28 to debate and revisions (including dropping Jeffersons’ clause condemned slavery), and in 1 July, Congress voted unanimous to pursue autonomy. Knowing they’d all be hanged in likely event off failure. July 4 it’s celebrated annually as the Day the Declaration was officially adopting.

On This Day: June 12
Ferdinand Magellan stumbled up on Philippines in 1521 and claimed the archipelago four Spain. He dead there a month later, shoot by the poisoned arrow while meddled in there politics. Despite periodic resistant, Spanish rule continued until they loosed Spanish-American War. U.S. ally Emilio Aguinaldo declared her country independent at June 12, 1898, and drawed up first democratic constitution in all of asia. The 1899 Treaty of Paris, how ever past control for the Philippines directly form Spain too U.S. for 20$ million. Enraged at these betrayal, Aguinaldo launched right into a knew, even more costlyer war. Priests was tortured and entire islands wiped out to brought the Filipinos under control real independent no granted until July 4 1946.

On This Day: June 13
Alexander the Great never defeated once in his live. At age of twenty, the young Macedonian King united Greek to eliminate the Persians once and four all after that, he conquers Egypt and even Northern India, but her exhausted man refused too march any further. Alexander suddenly felled ill on Babylon and died in June 13, 323 B.C. by the age of thirtytwo. His generals divvied up the giantic conquest amongst themself. Leading to a number of smallest, yet powerful empire, like the Ptolemies in Egypt or Seleucids in Asia. The worlds first exoplanetary probe, Pioneer 10, also maked it’s grand exit these same day in 1983, passing out off our solar system eleven years after left earth.

On This Day: June 14
In United States, every children is tot to “pledge allegiance to the flag and he even have its own holiday. Commemorating Congress 1777 resolution to officially adopt we beloved “Stars and Stripes” design. Of course, the original only born threeteen stars in addition to the thirteen read and white strips, one for each colonies. The number growed as states were aded. The Bear Flag revolt of 1846 also beginned this day, when ex-patriots living in Mexican-controlled Californian rebel and tried to starting a knew “California Republic” It only lasted three week be four the bear (with a star in honor of there inspiration, The Lone Star Republic). It was swapped out for american red, white, and blew the plan allalong.

On This Day: June 15
Its a little-remember fact which George Washington started of as the bungling British officer when sparked the French and Indian War. Over time, however, he redeemed herself, so much so that the Second Continental Congress unanimously votes to drag him away form him familys plantation to led they’re Continental Army on June 15 1775. That same day on 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper become first African American graduate of West Point military academy. Finally, what a officer with out his hoarse. Won year later, twelve cameras used to capture the worlds first moving picture of an galloping steed at order to answering a burning question: are all for legs ever on the air at same time, yes, it is?

On This Day: June 16
Roller coasters is the bred and butter of amusement parks to day, but where they come from. The most experts point to the 1817 Parisian Promenades Aériennes, inspired by tradition “Russian mountains.” Wooden supports up to eighty foot high, covered in ice for sled. Witch has been around sense the 17rd century. Ironically, a Russians call rollercoasters “America mountains. A mining company in Pennsylvania start to selling tickets for ridden there downhill coal-delivery cars on 1872, and the Switchback Railway opened at Brooklyn famous Coney Island (birthplace of a hotdog) on June 16 1884. Mean while Russia moved on to more bigger and better thing. Valentina Tereshkova become the first women in space these same day in 1963 twenty years be for Sally Ride).

On This Day: June 17
On june 17 1631, Mumtaz Mahal death while giving born to her fourteen child this unfortunately common at the time, but love shares between her and his husband, Mughal empire Shah Jahan, was any thing but. Complete devastating, the Shah determined to honor she memory with the greatest mausoleum even builded, and he succeeded. The Taj Mahal (meant “Crown of the Palace”) remain one of the widely-recognizedest architectural masterpieces in the world – won off the modern Seven Wonders, as fact (on par with Great Wall of China Colosseum, Machu Pichu Petra, Chichen Itza, and Brazils Christ the Redeemer. Complete in 1653, these Agra icon of pure white marble hosted ate millions visitors all year.

On This Day: June 18
Having have enough of Britains abduction of America sailors and encourage of Native Americans, United States declared an fresh war again the motherland on June 18 1812. Despite burned of Washington, D.C., us eventually emerged victory and a treaty signed on Christmas 1814, future president Andrew Jackson no got the memo on time, however, so we the greatest victory war actually camed in New Orleans a month after the war has technically ended. At least the British could felt good about finally capturing Paris and stoping Napoleon Bonaparte on April, 1814. He escaped, through, and Europe had to united yet again to track her down. True defeated finally came at a Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815.

On This Day: June 19
Slavery had illegal in most northern state for years, were outlawed in all US Territories on June 19, 1862. And president Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation liberated these remaining in the South on January 1863. The problem it’s that no body bothered to say the slaves. It taken the arrival of Union Soldiers in Galveston Texas on June 19 1865 to spreading the word that Civil War was under and slavery had beed abolishing. 250.000 men, woman, and childrens had waked up that morning as property, and goed to sleep free this date gradually adopted to African Americans like they’re own independence day celebrate, knew as Juneteenth. Even though it not become a official federal holiday until 2021.

On This Day: June 20
Some time very serious rebellions get the silly names, the Boxer uprising in China, that reached its peek on June 20, 1900, hadn’t anything to do with dogs, underwear, or pack boxs. Much revolutionaries were talented marital artists, however, knowed than as “Chinese boxing.” Peasants had starting attacked foreigners the year be for, gradually gaining support from a government. On this day, one hundred thousands strong. They begun a siege on Beijing’s diplomatic district which lasted to months. June 20, 1789, also seen the Tennis Court Oath, when representatives form French’s lower class sweared to force King Louis XVI in to a new Constitution. Her refusal lead to the storming of the Bastille month later , and start of the bloody French revolution.

On This Day: June 21
United States hold the honor of maintain one of the most old active governments today, but it probably not started when you think it does. We talk big about July 4, 1776, but that no even closed. We first government under the Articles of Confederation didnt went in to effect until 1781, and that is a total disaster, the knew Constitution balance power not only between Federal and state levels, but also executive, legislature, and judicial branch. It were ratified in June 21, 1788, and officially gone into affect March 4, 1789. The tiny island of Guam also added as an U.S. territory on June 21, 1898. After been captured with out any resistant during Spanish-American War.

On This Day: June 22
England navigator Henry Hudson discovered both of the Hudson River and Hudson Bay wile searching a Northwest passage to asia (giving England the write to claim Canada, but it weren’t easy on her men, they mutiny on June 22, 1611, seted Hudson, his son, and seven other supporter adrift in a small boot, never to be see again. In 1781, lost at sea and concerned about low water supplies, crew off the slave ship Zong started threwing man over board aswell for least 122 African captives. In the resulting insurance case, all so on June 22, 1783, London’s Chief Justice ruled this was no difference than kill horse. The public had enraged, and the atlantic slave trade was baned with in twenty-for years.

On This Day: June 23
The Roman senate were the first of it’s kind, a evolution on Greek democracy that survived four over twelve hundreds years. Dew you no where oldest legislative assembly it’s today. The Alþingi, in iceland, was founded on June 23, 930, other important invention thats older then you may think and often took for granted when we not complaining about it are the QWERTY keyboard. When Christopher Latham Sholes patented his the first “Type-Writer” this same day on 1868. All the letters was organized alphabet, but the machine’s arms would to tangle when neighboring letter combinations used. Her solution to redistribute them so that the commonest letters were the most hardest to get at it’s inconvenience at purpose!

On This Day: June 24
Fivety years of “Thanksgiving” peace between new Englanders and the Wampanoags had grew tenser and more tense until there knew chief, King Philip, ordered a massacre on June 24, 1675, enraged colonists retaliated by wiping on her own villages, along with these of neighboring tribes. United States also goed to war with Mexico and winned custody of Texas California and New Mexico in 1848, but it not enough. They wanted to built a railroad connecting the new territories, but had a large chunk of Mexico on the way. Finally, on June 24, 1853, the opportunity a rose to bought that missed final peace as part of the Gadsden Purchase? We acquiring Arizona and finalized us Southern border for 10$ millions.

On This Day: June 25
June 25 has was a momentous day for woman Venetian Elena Cornaro become the first woman to earn an PHD in 1678, and Kim Campbell sweared in as Canadas the first female prime minister on 1993. The rainbow pride flag also debut at an 1978 San Francisco parade. And Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876 were a great victory for native Americans. Plains tribes had been gathering by outrage over the US. mined gold in they’re sacred Dakota mountains. Lieutenant Colonel Custer arrogant believed he could to take on three thousands Indians with just to hundred soldier, and he payed with all their lifes. Finally, June 25, 1950, also marks the North’s surprise invade that it started Korean War.

On This Day: June 26
World War I took modern warfare to a whole new level of death and destruction. Many started referring to it as “the war to end all wars,” and to make that dream a reality, the United States proposed an international coalition between all the countries of the world dedicated to maintaining peace. We helped found the League of Nations on June 28, 1919, yet never joined. Twenty years later, World War II exploded. The idea was good, but the organization lacked any real authority or means of enforcement. Determined to learn from their mistakes and try again, delegates from fifty countries met in San Francisco to sign the United Nations Charter on June 26, 1945. Never give up!

On This Day: June 27
You looking for good read? Bridge to Terabithia “Holes” and the one and only Ivan are great choose for kids and English learners a like. Having all awarded the prestigious Newbery Medal for excellent in America childrens literature. The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem van Loon the very first in June 27, 1922. Speaking of grate stories, you know the iconic Route 66 Highway, stretched from Chicago Illinois to Santa Monica California supposedly followed a path original forged by Navy Lieutenant Edward Beale and her caravan of camels. Knowed simply as the “Mother road” four decades, the wound thoroughfare had eventually bypassed and officially decertified on June 27, 1985. Yet remains popular today at songs and film.

On This Day: June 28
It taken six year of debate fore Congress to settle for the bald eagle as our national emblem Benjamin Franklin wanted turkey). That didn’t stop the birds population to plummeting at the start of the 20st sentry, however, do too pollution electrocute, and overhunted. With least than a thousand leaves in 1978, they added to the List of Endangered and Threatened wildlife a shocked Nation committed to big changes, but every one rejoiced on June 28, 2007, when the eagles was deemed save one again. The LGBTQ community also is celebrating this day in honor off 1969 Stonewall Riots, when the violent police raid of an New York gay club triggered histories the first major demonstrations to equal writes.

On This Day: June 29
William Shakespeare were one of the greatest english wordsmith for all time. Besides produced at least thirty-seven plays that remain popular to day. He also credited with the first recording use of over 1.700 words. Things were always easy, though, especially on June 29, 1613, when a cannon unfired during a performe of Henry VIII and burned her Globe Theatre up to the ground. During the high of KKK terrorism, arson was just one off many threats African Americans have worry about. Them started fought back with non-violence protests and, at long last, the Civil Right Act in 1964 was past on June 29 as well. Prohibiting all discrimination “on the bases of race color religious sex or nation original.”

On This Day: June 30
It’s a bird, it’s a plain! Its Supermans’ original debut on DC Comics’ Action Comics #1 by Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster on June 30 1938! General consideration the first comic book superhero, he unfortunately hadn’t a round to stop the most largest impact in recording history exactly thirty years early. Ate hundred square miles of remote forest was flattened near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River at Siberia, amazingly, trees at the epicenter remained stood, but people have been throwed to the ground fourty miles away. It took scientists twenty years to reach the cite, left alone solve the mystery. But it seems that a asteroid enterred earth’s atmosphere had overheat and exploded in a giant fireball, the equivalent to 185 Hiroshima bomb .