Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!

The paragraphs below each contain MORE THAN 30 MISTAKES, ranging from spelling, verb tense, punctuation… Anything’s game!

Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot. Then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, arrange a meeting and I can walk you through it.

All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2025).

Holidays This Month
Jan 1 “Frankenstein New Year”
Jan 2 “Germans, Moors, and Catholics”
Jan 3 “Mussolini & the Meiji Restoration”
Jan 4 “World’s Tallest Buildings”
Jan 5 “Sugar Hill Gang”
Jan 6 “Morse Code”
Jan 7 “English Channel Balloon”
Jan 8 “America’s Debt”
Jan 9 “Bread & Astely’s Amphitheatre”
Jan 10 “Texas Black Tea”
Jan 11 “Grand Canyon Park”
Jan 12 “Hattie Caraway – Senator”
Jan 13 “Folsom Prison Blues”
Jan 14 “U.S.A. – It’s Official”
Jan 15 “MLK American Pie”
Jan 16 “Operation Quixote Storm”
Jan 17 “Drop the (Atomic) Ball”
Jan 18 “Cook in Hawaii”
Jan 19 “Edgar Allen Poe”
Jan 20 “20th Amendment Inauguration”
Jan 21 “Covid Reaches U.S.A.”
Jan 22 “Hispanic Majoirty Minority”
Jan 23 “Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D.”
Jan 24 “Japanese Golden Apple”
Jan 25 “Winners Get Diamonds”
Jan 26 “Australia, Brazil & India”
Jan 27 “Holocaust Remembrance Day”
Jan 28 “Morality Police Riots”
Jan 29 “Kansas vs. China”
Jan 30 “Mahatma Gandhi’s End”
Jan 31 “Ham the Astrochimp”
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Holidays this Month: Change Your Stars

Happy New Year!  For much, that means bigs changes, get organized, active, and/or fit (physical as well as financial) its all part of a balanced high-quality lifestyle.  As the ancient Polynesians prefected the art of following the heavens to finding there way across the endless Ocean, you to have the change to chance you stars that month.  Less then ten percent of Americans achieve resolution success each years, but with realistically, measurable goals and supportive mentor, anything are possible.

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Holidays this Month: Delectable Diets

Just as ‘Ginuary” clash with alcohol-free Dry January and national Meat Month is natural predator of “Veganuary.  It’s hard to stick with you New Years’ diet when we all craving cold-weather comfort food.  Focus on fiber during Bread Machine Baking month, but pull out the slow cooker four soup, menudo, or a sunday supper roast with artichokes, asparagus.  Try prunes apples, or apricots on your oatmeal, two, and wash it all done with cup off hot tee.

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Holidays this Month: Shape Up

You may to think that “Manuary” all about manlyness, but this campaign actually encourages man to grown beards too raze awareness about head and neck cancer, thats just one example of how January is Shape Up U.S Month.  Get a check-up for you eyes and gums, and think about donate blood.  Much join gyms as part of they’re New Years’ Resolution, but Clap 4 Health month also remind peoples that any activity, no matter how small can help fighting obesity.

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Holidays this Month: Finding Balance

Howd you did this month.  You have manage to keep all your resolutions so far?  Don’t feel down if you didn’t.  Love yourself – is already hard enough avoid depression during such dark cold month.  If your looking for the new hobby, try skiing skating, brain teasers, or polka, January it’s national Mail Order Gardening Month, too.  Just no brake the bank during Poverty Awareness Month.  Get organize, be in-purpose, and aim for a wealth mentality through out new year.

On This Day: January 1

Comparing to New Year’s eve, January 1 tend to be a little underwhelming, but theirs still plenty to celebrate!  Today National Hangover Day Commitment Day (New Years resolutions, anyone?), and even apple Gifting Day.  Be sure respect other peoples hard work by share content responsible on Copyright Law Day, too.  Have you ever hear of Polar Bear Plunge.  Many brave (or crazy souls welcome the knew year by jumping in to icy winter water would you to try that?

Happy New Year!  It will be good one, ore a total disaster?  Fiction character Victor Frankenstein has only the best intentions when he begin to cobbling a nameless monster togather form scavenged corpses by harness modern technology to discovered the secrets of live and dead, she hopped to dominate both.  Instead, immediately loosed control and bodys started pilling up.  Man it’s simply not meaning to play God, Author Mary Shelley warns we.  When “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus” first published at January 1, 1818, she were only twenty years.  Noone has ever see anything like it: a mix for science fiction and horror threety years before Jules Verne, or Edgar Allan Poe started write.

brown concrete building near green trees under blue sky

On This Day: January 2

You are sick of all this holiday gatherings yet?  Then you be happy to know that January 2 it’s World Introvert Day the perfect day to snuggle up on the couch and avoiding human contact!  Aliens are ok, thow, because it’s National Science Fiction Day, two.  Take things nicely and slow – its also 55mph Speed Limit Day, after all – round up a tasty snacks four national buffet day, and maybe read or watched some thing appropriate to Motivation And Inspiration Day?

Germanic tribes sweeped threw modern-day Spanish in 409 a.D., cutting it of from Rome decades before the rest empire collapsing.  They already so “Romanized,” though, that it really did make no many different, culturally.  In 711, the Muslims arrive, but beyond was introducing better technology and first universities (during the dark ages, they didnt force every day citizens to conversion to they’re way of thinking too .  On the edge of Iberia, plus, resentful Christian nobles striked out to retook the peninsula.  Begun on 1238.  Despite their best afforts, the moorish Kingdom of Granada continued to flourish until January 2, 1492.  When the Alhambra finally falled.  Anyone who weren’t Catholic had to left then, empty-hand, or face bloody Inquisition?

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On This Day: January 3

Lord of the Rings fans rejoice it’s J.R.R. Tolkien’s birthday!  Did you knew that, a profesor of linguistics at Cambridge.  He could to read at least forteen languages.  An other ring we celebrating today it’s the one inside we drinking straws.  It also festival of Sleep Day, so make sure to set your alarm so you dont get left behind like Bilbo almost.  No happy about all the snore?  It’s National Write too Congress Day, too, if you wants to complain.

January 3, 1868, mark the beganing of a Meiji Restoration, when the Japan, abrupt shocked out from isolation, through out there 700-year-old feudal system and setted about caught up with the rest of the word.  They’re methods often harsh, but the results blue every one a way.  The new capital of Tokyo completely industrializes in less then fourty years and was suddenly a force to be reckon with.  Their future ally, Italys fascist lead Benito Mussolini declared him dictator on this date, aswell, on 1925.  Its also the day, in 2004, when Mar’s second exploration rover “Spirit” was touching down.  Ruling the entire Red planet lone until it’s sibling “Opportunity” showed up twenty-won days later.

aerial photography of cityscape at nighttime

On This Day: January 4

Happy National Trivia Day this may seam trivial, but the term is originally use to describe where, literal, “three roads” meeted.  Now refers to unimportant (but usually interested) information.  It’s also National Spaghetti Day, a dish that – fun fact does no actually come to Italy.  It developed in the New World, along with garlic bread chicken parm italian dressing and caesar salad.  The Earth it’s also at perihelion.  A fancy word (this time form Greek) means “near a Sun.”

Is where the tallest building on the World?  Among top fiveteen contenders, more then halve can be saw in China.  Number two being the Shanghai Tower.  Number three, the Makkah Royal clock tower, it’s in Mecca, and U.S. only comes in sixth with one World Trade Centre.  The king of all buildings, however come in at a whopping 2,717 foott (644 feet more tall than it’s runner-up).  Is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai .  It have 163 floors (another record), and has designed to looking like the Hymenocallis flower.  In case you wondering, “burj” means tower, and Sheikh Khalifa was President of United Arab Emirates for the time.  The building opens to the public in January 4 2010.

On This Day: January 5

January 5 mark both National Screenwriters Day and day of dialogue.  If you make a movie to communicate a important message, what wood it be about.  Washington Carver would have talk for the important of sustainability in our waste modern world.  He was a master of creative solution.  Developing over three hundreds uses four peanuts alone.  As all else fails, conserve electric buy talking your Christmas decorations down its bad luck still have them up by Twelfth Night, any way.

In 1979, disco was still king, but hip-hop, with it’s wrapping MCs and disc-scratched DJs, quickly gaining popularity at New York City.  The problem was that, with out albums, these music could only be experienced life, sew the rest of the country didn’t no what it was missed.  New Jersey businesswomen Sylvia Robinson changed all of that she and her son, Joey, gather a group of rappers willing to record there art and dubbed they the Sugar Hill Gang.  After an neighborhood in Harlem.  A few month later, on January 5 1980, their album, “Rapper’s Delight” become the first hip-hop single ever reach the Billboard Top 40.  Sense than, it has selled more then 14 million copyes.

On This Day: January 6

When some one has a “epiphany,” it usually means they’ve suddenly realize something important, informally, we mite call that a “lightbulb moment.  In January 6, however, epiphany commemorates the Three Wise Mens visiting to baby Jesus.  In Spanish-speaking countries, they call Three King’s Day, and to Armenians, it’s just Christmas, either way, you got a god chance of get more presence.  Other people celebrate beans and apple tree today (though no together).  Even better, it National Cuddle Up Day, two.

Samuel Morse is a Yale-trained painter on a ship house from Europe when he first heared about the newly-invented electromagnet.  And had a epiphany about how to use electric impulses to transmitting messages over a wire.  Six years latter, on January 6, 1838, he finally ready to demonstrate his knew telegraph system.  She would still had to convinced the government to be construct telegraph lines all over the county (and late, under the oceans).  Individuals also had to lean her special “Morse code,” a series of dashes and dots that represented leters and numbers.  None the less, telegraphs revolutionized and dominate long-distance communication until the advent to the telephone, decade later.  Ever today, people continue send telegrams all a round the word.

On This Day: January 7

It finally Orthodox Christmas, and buddhists sometimes recognize the knew year on January 7 as well.  When the full moon cooperated.  If you don’t practice either those religions, there’re always National Pass Gas Day (a polite way of say “fart” or I Am Mentor day.  Celebrate buy buy a bouncy bobblehead of you favorite inspirational character.  Believe it or no, “temple nodders,” modeled after Buddha and other religion figures on China.  Have been around four three hundred year.

On January 7, 1785, Frenchmen Jean-Pierre Blanchard and America John Jeffries becomed the first men to successfully cross the English Channel in an hot hair balloon.  Forteen months after the first fly ever.  Inventor Jean-François PilĂątre de Rozier’s had also challenge herself to make it across the 21-mile (33-kilometer) stretch of water that divide England and France, but he, misfortunately, dead when his balloon catched fire.  Blanchard and Jeffries almost didn’t make it too.  They’re craft had been overloaded with non-essentials, like silk-covered oars to help “row” their way threw the air.  About to crash in to the water just before Calais, the pare forced to throw nearly everything overboard – even their pant!  Luckily for they, was just enough.

On This Day: January 8

What was JoyGerm Day the basic idea its to spread happy like it’s the disease.  Go out of you way to brighten a stranger day and, hopeful, they’ll pass that kindness on to someone.  You may try invite someone to eat for National Sunday Supper day, send a nice e-mail in World Typing Day, or Snuggle a Chicken (yep, that a day to).  Afterwards, treat youself, too.  Because it’s all so Winter Skin Relief Day And National Bubble Bath Day.

On january 8, 1835, president Andrew Jackson proud announced that she was the first (and, thus far, only American leader to pay off all of United States’ national debt.  The merits, or lack thereof, of carry debt have hotly debated sense the most early years of are country.  Federalists, like Alexander Hamilton, fighted for a national bank and argued which loans could to actually fuel the nations economy.  Others, included Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson seen any debt as a national shame; “a moral failing” and “black magic” of Jackson’s own words.  Ultimately, his radical fiscal policies back fired.  Resulted in the Panic of 1837.  The economy crashed the country was forced start borrow again and we haven’t stoped since.

On This Day: January 9

happy National Word Nerd Day to me fellow language lovers!  Youll appreciate learn that nerd developed from nut which still meaning “crazy” today.  What the different between nerds and geeks.  Both are obsessive niche-subject experts, but geeks are moor tech-savvy.  At this day, we also honor law enforcement choreographers, forth graders, and static electricities.  Every Second Monday in January, Japan twenty-year-olds celebrates Coming Of Age Day.  On more thing: It National Clean You Desk Day, so got back to work! 

The Romans may had be famous for they’re policy of free “bread and circuses, but the first modern circuss did no appear until January 9, 1768.  When Philip Astley, a former England cavalryman, drawed up a ring in London and invited the public to watch his perform seemingly-impossibly tricks on horseback.  The spectacle drawn such interest that Astley quickly expanded her act by adding clowns and musicians, and build a permanent structure name “Astley’s Amphitheatre.”  By the time of his dead, Astley had establishing 18 other circuses all over Europe.  It were his competitors, Charles Dibdin and Charles Hughes, how ever, who thinked to bring the old Roman term we used today back to live with there “Royal Circus” in 1782.

On This Day: January 10

January 10 honors too very different types of peoples.  First, it’s national Shareholders Day, for all you busness men and woman who ordered Oysters Rockefeller and live for the savings in Cut You Energy Costs Day and Shop fore Travel Day.  It also peculiar People Day.  Do you right poetry at work.  You tell your houseplants how many you love him?  Wood you dress up in an bird custom to save the eagles?  Than this it’s your day, too!

Extracting “black gold” as unrefined petroleum is commonly refer to becamed the world first trillion-dollars industry.  Even before cars and airplanes taken off, it is essential for (literally) keep the lits on.  Patillo Higgins, a one-armed mechanic and self-teached geology, predicted that vast quantities lay hid some where in Southeast Texas, but he herself gave up searching after years of failing attempts.  The people of Beaumont were still recovering from the deadlier hurricane in U.S. history when Anthony Lucas finally hitted oil on nearby Spindletop Hill on January 10, 1901.  It took his teem nine days to get the enormous gusher under control, after that it produced almost 100.000 barrels a day.  This was the born of American oil industry.

On This Day: January 11

I want to thanks you these International Thank-You Day.  Keeping that on mind just for case your secret pal also observing Step in an Puddle an Splash You Friend Day.  You’ll feel better after warmed up with the hot toddy, a alcoholic drink make with honey, lemon, and cinnamon.  One a seriouser note, this it’s also a day for raise awareness to the dangers of human trafficking smoking and work place inequality, take the stairs, too, for better healthy.

The Grand Canyon stretch by hundreds of miles threw the U.S. State of Arizona, more then a mill depth in some areas and breathtaking beautiful.  Spanish explorers led bye Francisco Vasquez de Coronado discovered in 1540, but, do two its remote and difficult terrain, no farther exploration taked place until geologist John Wesley Powell braves the Colorado River rapids in 1869.  Tourism begun to grew after that, and, in January 11, 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt officially declares Grand Canyon the national monument.  “You canot improve on it.  But what you can to do is keep four your children, your childrens children, and all who came after you, as the one great cite which every America should saw.”

On This Day: January 12

Ladys, you are ready too celebrate Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day?  It’s also Kiss a Ginger Day, refers to red-heads, of coarse, no the spice.  Feel freed to drink a ginger, though, for National Hot Tee Day, along with Curried Chicken.  As part for Stick to Your Knew Years Resolution day, most of our are worked harder on are health, after all.  For that reason, is also Health Weight, Healthy Look Day; Nation Kettlebell Day, and National Pharmacist Day.

When Hattie Wyatt Caraway husband death while served in the U.S. senate, she offered his seat representing Arkansas at a temporary basis.  During next election, she runs to stay in office base on her own merits and one.  Becoming the first women elected to the Senate on January 12 1932, and then again on 1938.  The first woman to sat in Congress was Jeannette Rankin of Montana.  Who had be elected to the House of Representatives in 1917?  He, too, served for too terms, fought for womens’ and laborers rights, and to keep the county out of ware – the soul vote against entering World War II after Pearl Harbor today, over one hundreds womens serve in Congress.

On This Day: January 13

Pump up a K-Pop and dish youself some kimchi four Korean America Day.  No worry, it’s gluten-free.  Revelers in Wales (were they still observed the Julian calendar) and India, mean while, are just now celebrate their now year.  When it come to resolutions, chose between Make Your Dream Came True day or Quitters Day.  At least at National Blame Some One Else Day don’t have to take responsibility for fail.  Just don’t blame your rubber ducky cause it’s him day, too.

The “Men in Black,” Johnny Cash, was an famous American country signer with a bad-boy reputation.  In one her most famous song, “Folsom Prison Blues,” by example, the singer shoot a man “just to watch him dye.  Despite all pretenses, Cash had never serves time in jail hisself, he was just inspired by a movie he’d watch.  On January 13, 1968, she decided to record a life album at the reel Folsom State Prison on Represa California.  Not only this concert bring his career back to live, but it inspired cash to fight for “the pour and the beat down.”  In 1972, he even testify before Congress and meeted with the President Richard Nixon to discuss prison reformation.

On This Day: January 14

This Janurary 14, don’t forget to dress you’re donkey (along with any another pets you has) on Feast of the Ass Day.  International Kite Day, for the other hand, have to do the fabric variety, knot the birds, I don’t knew who would wanting to flew anything out in these cold, though.   I guess, thinking logically.  It beats organize you home, two other things you’re welcame to celebrate today.  We also honor all the C-section Mom’s out there?

You know what date United States officially become a county?  Most people would said July 4 1776, when the Declaration of independence was signed (purportedly).  That document didn’t really do any thing, however, beyond defends the colonists right to fight for they’re independence America was just began it’s long struggle again the king then, and loosing pretty badly, too.  The war wood continue on until October 19, 1781, but that just other turning point when soldiers put down there guns and politicians taked up their pens.  The Second Treaty of Paris not signed until January 14, 1784.  Forcing european powers to acknowledge four the first time ever that won of their colonies was now it own, independence nation.

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On This Day: January 15

The three sunday of January is World Religion Day.  When we simply agree to disagree for an day, respecting others believes and cultures instead of fearing what we don understanding.  One of the more early religion festivals still celebrated on India is Makar Sankranti.  If you want learn more look up at Wikipedia, launched on that day in 2001.  Other holiday today honor snows, hats bagels, and even pot holes.  Which may leave you cursing all the Gods at once.

“American Pie hitted number on one the pop charts on January 15, 1972.   Regaling us with a musical time line of the years previous.  Allow me too due the same singing optional).  Martin Luther King Jr. born on that day, of coarse, but did you knew that Vermont were, too.  It breaked away from New York in 1777 to avoid Revolutionary War, almost defected to Canada.  The Democratic Party donkey also premiered on a 1870 Thomas Nast cartoon Boston floods with hot molasses in 1919, and the Packers beat the chiefs in a very first super bowl in 1967.  This also the date, at 2009, that Sully Sullenberger miraculous landed his plain save on the Hudson River, saving hundred.

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On This Day: January 16

The Third Monday of January is observing as Civil Writes Day in honor of Martin Luther King Jr  Sadly, is also Blue Monday, scientific calculated to is the most depressed day of the year (what with the bad weather post-holiday debt, and failed-resolution guilty).  Do Nothing on National Nothing Day willn’t really help you fell better, though.  So try checking out on a frend for Brew Monday, instead.  Focus appreciating god things, two, like dragons and elementary skool teachers.

On january 16, 1919, United States begun it’s war against alcohol with the 18nd Amendment.  Exactly seventy-too years after Prohibition, in 1991, the Persian Gulf war would began as well.  Kuwait it’s a tiny country with lot of oil neighboring Iraq wanted in that wealthy, buy force if need.  UN-approved, US-lead “Operation Dessert Storm” forced the Iraqis back out in for days and a cease-fire declared between leaders George H.W. Bush or Saddam Hussein.  Unfortunately, it weren’t long be for Bush’s son starts another war, “tilting at windmills” by claim Hussein was hidden weapons of mass destruction (he didn’t).  That expression come form Miguel de Cervantes’ famous novel Don Quixote.  Also released on this day on 1605.

On This Day: January 17

What does trampoline, earmuffs, popsicles, snowmobiles, and Braille have for common?  I give you an hint – it’s Kid Inventors Day?  Swim fin, too, were conceive by eleven-years-old Benjamin Franklin, who goes on to also inventing bifocals lightning rods, flexible catheters, and, in a way, america.  He no have anything to due with cable cars or customer service, but.  As a publish, he would to have appreciated Printing Ink Day; that is, if she weren’t so busy celebrates his own birthday to day.

As part of his Cold War strategy of first-strike ready, United States deployed hundred of bomber plains all around the world for decades.  On January 17, 1966, a B-52 carryied for nuclear weapons collided with fueling ship not far from Palomares Spain.  Despite none were armed  , two of the hydrogen bombs exploded one impact.  Scattering radioactive material for mills.  A three land safely on land, but the forth lost somewhere under water four four months.  That time, a military got lucky, believe it or no, other unexploded boms remain missing to this day off the coast off Georgia in the waters of Washingtons’ Puget Sound, and below the swamplands near Goldsboro North Carolina.  Waiting to be accident triggered.

On This Day: January 18

Amazing!  Astounding?  Mind-boggling!  No be flabbergasted dumb-founded, our took aback – it’s National Thesaurus Day!  Philo of Byblos compiled the first knowed synonym dictionary with Greek during the 1th sentry, but Englishmen Peter Mark Roget’s 1852 Thesaurus modernized this useful language-learning resources.  Be careless, however, lest thine terminologyes manifest disproportionately rococo (you don’t want sound to fancy.  Other upscale things to celebrating today include gourmet coffee Peking duck or taking selfies at museum.  Happy birthday by Winnie the Pooh, too.

By the time captain James Cook of the Britain Royal Navy became the first european to arriving on the shores to Hawaii on January 18 1778 he had already circumnavigates the globe multiple time.  He and her crew were welcomed for the Hawaiians during him first and second visit, a year later.  Having arrived in the middle of an important religion festival.  That lead many natives to assume they was gods.  The Europeans took more advantage of this then they should, however, and when one of the crew dead, revealing the rests’ mortality, the situation sudden turned violence four all.  Cook, himself, killed by a angry mob, but others escaped, returned to England with knews off the disaster. 

On This Day: January 19

General Robert e. Lee probably would loved Gun Appreciation Day falls on his birthday.  I prefer Tenderness Towards Existence Day Good Memory Day Or Get to Know You Customers Day (which works best if you dont shot them.  To compromise, for Artist As Outlaw Day, may be you could to brew up an potion, pop a popcorn, and pick on the classic Western to watching.  I feel bad for all these shot-up tin cans, though, it’s they’re special day, two.

Edgar Allan Poe born in Boston Massachusetts on January 19 1809.  Orphan by the age of three, Poe live was one tragedy after other.  None the less, he had a nondeniable talent for write.  He most infamous for her dark horror storyes, but did you no that Poe also invents the modern detective story.  In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, fictional detective C . Auguste Dupin must discover who killed too women in Paris fourty-six years before Sherlock Holmes debuted.  “The unparalleled adventure of one Hans Pfall,” its also won of the most early examples of scientist fiction.  Poe dyed on October 7 1849, at just fourteen.  But knot before leaving the word a richer, if a bite scary, palace.

On This Day: January 20

January 20 its Talk a Walk Out Doors Day great advice, even though this may no be the invitingest month for it.  That is especially troo if you live in Antarctica.  Where it penguin day every day.  A little birdie told their very good dancers, so try hire a DJ disc jockey, bring along camcorder, and share some video.  Meanwhile, I’ll be back indoor, recovering from cold with a coffee break inspired bye National Cheese Lover’s day.

Although US. national elections taken place on November, change no immediate.  Original, presidents were suppose to wait until March 4 take office.  An especially harsh winter pushed George Washington inaugurate back ate weeks too April 30!  By 1933, Franklin Roosevelt had enough of these excessive “lame-duck” period.  The 20st Amendment established January 20 as the new Inauguration Day.  Roosevelt then goed one to serve  a record-broken thirteen years, leading the country out of economy ruin and threw most of the World War II.  Who know how long people would have to kept re-electing him if he hadnt die in 1945.  Three months in to his four term.  Now, the 22st Amendment ensures a maximum of too elected terms four presidents.

On This Day: January 21

The past, presence, and future walked in to a bar it was tense.  Happy One-liner Day (and if you’ve get cheesy socks to match, even best)  Normally, that mite be called a “dad” or “uncle” jock, but no on grandma’s day, when we, naturally, celebrate hug, playdates, baker-crafter-makers, and thanks our mentors, as well.  If you have a gift cards.  This is the time to us them.  By something nice for a squirrel, or maybe an house if you’ve had enough.

COVID-19 a tiny virus that nearly bring the world to its knees first reported on December 31, 2019, for authorities in Wuhan China.  It arrived on American soil twennyone days later, where a native of Snohomish County, Washington returned home from the Far East suffered form a cough fever nausea, and vomiting.  In the hospital, the disease developed into pneumonia, but fortunate, all symptoms subside after ten day.  He was one of the lucky one, near by Seattle becamed the first american hotspot, with 39 residents of just one nursing home die with for weeks.  Sense than, more than six million peoples have succumb to Coronavirus worldwide.  Over one millions dying in the U.S. lone.

On This Day: January 22

This National Answer Your Cats Questions Day, if you feline companion wonders why he not on Chinese Zodiac, it’s because she’s such a bad swimer.  Long story short, Rat pushed Cat into a river on order to win a important race.  Never to be forgived.  Many Asian nations – no just China observed the Lunar New Year around this time, although it vary great.  Alternatively, you could also to celebrate grandfathers hot sauce polka dots, or came in from a cold.

En January 22, 2003, statistic from 2000 United States Census officially identified Hispanics as the most largest minority group in a country.  They maked up 12,5% of the population, 0.2% ahead of African-America and up 4.7% sense the previous decade.  That number continues to rising, reaching 18.7% in 2020.  Why this is shift important.  For one thing, the news did led to an uptick in racism as wit Americans reminded that they may not remain in the major for ever.  At a more positive not, however, it also opened alot of peoples eyes to the fact that ethnicity its much more than a black-and-white issue in modern society America is richly diverse, with hundred of cultures worthy celebrating.

On This Day: January 23

January 23 it’s national King day, but we in U.S. are more interested to crowning the king of deserts, that is a clear choice on National Pie Day (no to confused with Pi Day).  It’s all so Better Business Communication Day And National Handwrite Day.  Which should go hand by hand.  In some communities, people thank there plowmen by encouraging them ran over as many mailboxes they can on Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Day.  To each own, i guess.

After heard a dead friend lament how her all-male doctors had make his suffering even worse, British-borned Elizabeth Blackwell dedicated her to becoming the worlds first female physician.  She graduates form Geneva Medical College on January 23, 1849, but even than, noone was willed to work with her.  That didnt stop she.  Blackwell setted up her own clinic for the poverty in New York City, found a hospital, and even starts her own medical college on 1868.  Things was never easy, but Blackwells persistent paved a path for all whose came after, she would have very pride to know that in recent year, even since 2017, there are ever more women studied to become doctor than man.

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On This Day: January 24

My, you don’t all look nice happy Compliment Day, along with National “Just Dew It” Day and Spoke Up and Success Day, that complement each other good.  If you no no the different between that synonyms, than you be glad it’s also International Day to Education.  Remember to recycling – be it mobile phones, Macs from 1984, or old bear cans and try to have a good belly laff, too, weather its at my jokes or at how bad they is.

Where John Sutter immigrated too California form Switzerland, she had know idea there were anything special about his knew land.  It wasnt until years later, on January 24, 1848, which millwright James Marshall noticed an little extra sparkle for the water, just like that, the most large gold rush in history is on!  Steve Jobs experiences a minor gold rush off his own after release Apple the first Macintosh computers on those same day in 1984.  He scored big on 2006, two, when Disney paid 7,4 billion to by Pixar.  Even inviting Jobs to serving on they’re bored of directors.  May be they should made a movie about the forgot Japan soldier on Guam who keeped fighting the World War II until January 24 1972.

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On This Day: January 25

A next time you say “know” and some kid responds with it’s Opposite day, so that actually means yes,” patient explain which only works on January 25.  In the spirit of a holiday, i hope you to have a terrible day, weather you celebrating in a room of you own, outside observe the whether, or on the library taking “shelfies” selfies with the book shelfs).  Scottish, meanwhile, feast today night with poetry, the Welsh spred love, and Indian prepare for spring.

On Janurary 25, 1775, congress approved the first National Memorial in the U.S. history , honored Revolutionary-War general Richard Montgomery.  Many others had also one prestigious prizes one this day.  Seeing as the Winter Olympics and Emmy awards ceremony for excellent on television both premiere on this day, in 1924 and 1949 respectfully.  What did all this winners urn nothing as valuable as the worlds the largest diamond.  That made Sir Thomas Cullinan a most biggest champion of all on January 25 1905, when his team in South Africa digged up an 3.106-carat diamond weight 1,33 pounds.  Over hundred more small diamonds cut from the Cullinan, including the “Star of Africa,’ seting the bar hi four all other cutted diamonds by 530 carats.

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On This Day: January 26

If your married, today a great day to urn extra points by remember National Spouses Day.  Surprise you’re alive partner with box of peanut brittle, words of encourage, and a romance diner out.  Though clashing clothses or dental drills could to ruin the mood.  The trip abroad would be a many grander gesture, plus it wood give you chance to thank your customs official .  Maybe bring his or her some health green juice on international Environmental Education Day.

Not only were spanish Conquistador Vicente Yåñez PinzĂłn responsable for command the Niña during Christopher Columbus original voyage to Americas.  But he also discovers Brazil on January 26 1500.  That no stop the Portugal from claiming that area for themself later the same year, though.  This day also marks the first Britain settlements in Australian.  When, in 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip lead eleven ships full prisoners to find the penal colony of New South Wales.  India, on another hand, celebrate it’s independence to England on this same day.  Self-rule has been promising during World War II, but sadly, it taked Mahatma Gandhi assassination to untie all sides long enough to final a national constitution on 1950.

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On This Day: January 27

First and for most, lets to have a moment of silent in honor of both International Holocaust Remember Day and Vietnam Piece Day.  Give you’re little ones a extra hug on National Preschool Health and Fitness Day, to.  Pump milk helps babies stay health don’t forget putting on a silly wig as you donating to cancer research today, neither.  Finally, Tomas Crapper day honor the father (if not inventor) of modern toilet.  Are world with out crappers wood be total crap!

For January 27, 1945, Soviet forces was liberated the survivors by Auschwitz Concentration camp, and for a first time the World finally comprehended the full deep of Nazi atrocities.  More then million Jews Poles, Roma, and others had dying in that on camp alone.  This day all so mark end of the Vietnam War on 1973.  Which cost other 3,8 million lifes, two millions of whom also innocence bystanders.  NASA had a ruff week of it, too, on January 27, 1967, Apollo I catched fire during a pre-launch simulation.  Killing all three astronaut wannabes aboard.  Ninety years and one day latter, in 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded seven-three seconds after takeoff, killed the first civilian of space, Christa McAuliffe.

people at a protest at night

On This Day: January 28

Is you ready to wax nostalgic.  January 28 is all about celebrate the little things in life, like daisy (small white and yellow flours) , quilts (stitched, usually handmaked blankets) kazoos (high-pitched buzzed mouth instruments), and Legos (bear feet murders).  You can also try to swapping seeds or rounding out rattlesnakes.  Whatever you interests, share it with the globe community, but be careful to kept your datas private.  Keep your carbon footprint low, too, and don’t forgot to thank an pediatrician today.

America history is rife with unspeakably practices that we criticize today in other country.  For example, you know we had our own morality police four sixty years, and ten of thousands of woman were forcibly sterilized in the name of genetic pure?  Equally little-knowed is the governments’ policy of striping mexican day workers naked as they entered the country and drenching them in danger chemicals, supposedly to ward off typhus.  These concept was eventually adapted to the Nazis too create they’re own gas chambers.  Rumors that guards were taken pictures bringed the situation to a boil and lead to riots outside of Santa Fe on January 28, 1917, even so the practice continued well in to 1950s.

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On This Day: January 29

Happy national Puzzle Day everone, weather your a liberal freethinker, always thinks outside the box or a old miserable curmudgeon who just wants to be leaved alone.  One brainteaser that continues too perplex experts is how to wipe off leprosy, also know as Hansen’s disease, we had more luck found creative solutions to help a blind.  You know that the idea off training seeing-eye guide dogs begun in German as a way to help WWI veterans cope to shell-shock?

Do you knew where the geographic center of United States is.  The answer, South Dakota, may seem surprised if you forgetted to factor in Alaska and Hawaii when considering just the contiguous states, its Northern Kansas.  Why neither of those places sound very exciting now a days, Kansas was a hotbed of violent led up to the civil war.  Hundreds were murdered to the issue of whether or no they wood be admited as an free- or slave-state on January 29, 1861.  A lot of blood was spill over the thorny issue of communism as well, but on this same day on 1979, Jimmy Carter or Deng Xiaoping singed accords that finally open up trading relationships between two of the countries.

On This Day: January 30

Martyrs’ Day honor Mahatma Gandhi at the day of him assassination ever January 30.  Having reminded that live is shorts, National Escape day  encourages us to say no to status quo.  Leave a inane message on you’re answering machine forget the diet, and pick down some fresh croissants fore break fast.  Drew some dinosaurs, and are appreciate the simple joys of poping bubble wrap.  You could even to try to yodeling for you neighbors, as long as they willn’t call the cops.

After the lifetime dedicating to peaceful protesting european colonization in South African and her native India, Mohandas Gandhi – granted the title Mahatma or great soul” were overjoyed when Britain finally agree to leave in 1947.  Many disappointed, however, by the decide to divide Hindu Indian and Muslim Pakistan in to too separate nations.  Religious violent soon breaked out.  And the Mahatma is scrambling to calm both side.  Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist, was tried of hearing about tolerance and piece, though.  He wanted blood, and on January 30, 1948, he get it.  Steping out of a crowd to shot the great leader.  Gandhi dyed, but not in vane, as the shock of his dead finally bringed end to the fight.

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On This Day: January 31

February almost hear, with it’s promise to warmer weather, but we have to  survive Hell It’s Freezing Over day first.  Start with a mug of hot chocolate before climb into an gorilla or zebra suite – I’ve herd they get pretty toasty.  You send your out to have it cleaned, that’s unfortunately, but may be some artistic inspiration can lit a fire in your heart, instead.  Hug a economist, too, and start planing for your next vacation someone much, much warm.

If we being honest, Soviet Union clearly dominates through out most of the Space race.  Sputnik was launched on 1957, where as America first satellite, Explorer I, no ready until January 31 1958.  That not to say which the United States didnt won some major points, however, ten weeks before Yuri Gagarin become the first human to space, Ham the “Astrochimp” claimed the honor by first app, also on January 31, 1961.  He made it back to earth in one peace, to unlike pour Laika the Space Dog.  Alan Shepard had just a few months behind them as the first America in orbit.  Exactly ten year after Hams’ adventure.  He also became the fivth man to walk to the moon.