Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!
There are two challenges every day. The shorter, INTERMEDIATE-LEVEL ones contain exactly 20 MISTAKES each. The ADVANCED challenges have MORE THAN 30. Errors vary between spelling, verb tense, punctuation – anything’s game!
Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot; then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, send me an e-mail and I can walk you through it.
All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2025).

Holidays this Month: Raise Your Voice
Form honoring women inventors too acknowledge LGBT+ history and even adoption rescued rabbits. February is a short but power month dedicated to giving to the voiceless a voice. Black History Month complimented by International Month off Black Woman in the Arts, from Africa to Virginia Month, and the African America Read-In. Meanwhile, North American Inclusion month focus in creating equal opportunities to disabled. These Youth Leadership Month, pick a cause closed to your heart stand up, and be heared!

Holidays this Month: Food Love
Febuary is the month off love, and after a long January of dieting. We appreciate food more then ever. Some celebrate fasting February, but wheres the funny in that. From potatos to fondue and barley to berry (a group that puzzling include avocados and bananas but not cherries), fell free to indulge with out shame, youâve earn it! What better way to celebrating a Great American Pie Month than by backing with the entire family? No forget to fed the birds, too.

Holidays this Month: Puppy Love
Love comes in much different forms, while Goat Yoga month may sounds like a blast, however, take care of your fur baby not all funny and games. As part as Responsible Pet Owners Month, reminder to âfeline fix by fiveâ (months) train you puppy, check your horses hoof, and take they all for regular dental visits. It may seam like a lots of work, but yowâll be rewarded with yearâs of cuddles. Whose a good pet owner, youâre!

Holidays this Month: Self Love
To the end of the day (or month) the most important thing is to love youself! That why Worldwide Renaissance Of The Heart Month is all so International Boost Self-Esteem Month. Get out their and bust youâre âblahsâ mend a breaked heart by write some haikus at the library, laughter with friends, or pulling your couch away form the wall for fresh new look. Celebrated the spunky old broad in all of us whom donât care what anyone else think!

On This Day: February 1
A knew mouth means lot to celebrate. It actually the first of the year on Vietnam, and Springtime in Ireland. In Hawaii, your encouraged to âhula in the coola,â while another americans appreciate our spunky old broads, Freedom Day itâs also a grate way to kick off Black History month. Worldwidth, us celebrate face and body art, hijabs, woman in sports, and reading outloud. If you fell down, get right back up, and remember to changing your passwords regular, too.
Frustrating by the outdated, error-written reference materials of there day, Londonsâ Philological Society began work on theyâre own dictionary on 1857. Despite initial estimates of ten years and for volumes, the first portion of A Knew English Dictionary on Historical Principles â today knowed as Oxford English dictionary â werenât published until February 1 1884. Complete the final, 125nd, printing would take nearly four and a halve decades mooor! Out of more then 400.000 terms, âsetâ constituted the most longest single entry, with over 430 used. The OED was converted to an electric version in 1984. And is currently in the process of being updating for itâs three edition. Thats god, because a complete printed collect today would way over 137 pound!

On This Day: February 2
You feeling optimist about Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow this Groundhog Day. If he do, it meaning six more weeks of winter, although he only write about fourty percent of the time). We adopted this tradition from German, where they werenât simply content observe Candlemas the day of baby Jesus presentation. Through out history, people have also looks to badgers, marmots, hedgehogs, our bears to forcast spring weather. Today also honors brown dog, sled dogs, ukuleles crepes, an tater tots.
You ⥠New York City? Over two hundreds different languages are speaked their today, that seems fiting. The area first discovered on 1524 by a Italian explorer working for the France crown. The Dutch arrived looking for beavers (knot groundhogs) a sentry later, and trick the natives in to sold them the iland of Manhattan four about $24. New Amsterdam, at the south tip, was incorporating into a city on February 2, 1653. Than, the England showed up eleven years later, demanding it all surrendered to them. Luckily for they, governor Peter Stuyvesant is so mispopular that no one really resisted. On these same day in 1913, grand Central Terminal opened. Highlighting just how fare NYC has came.

On This Day: February 3
Itâs National Womansâ Heart Day, and who need man when theyâre are cute animals. Go feed a birds and snuggle up for Doggy Date Night. Feeling knotty its also Working Naked Day. Dogs nor dentists arenât fans of bubblegum day, but it can to give kids a smile. That especially important on Missing Persons Day and Number Day, that fought child abuse. If you a patient, thank a female fisician, and if your an doctor, remember to recognize youâre patients, two.
In case you have wondering, âAmerican Pieâ Fans, these is the day the music dyed. The song refer to a plain crash on January 3 1959, in that famous musicians Buddy Holly Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopperâ all perished. Holly, for one, had just hitted #1 on the Billboard charts for him song âThatâll Be the Dayâ (when I dead) while the word of music floundered, live bellow the waves receiving more attention than ever, do to France oceanographer Jacques Cousteauâs memoir The Silent World. Published exactly six years early, on 1953. With alots of pictures, the book detailed his afforts to inventing the world first self-contained breathe device. No only revolutionizing under water exploration, but popularize her, too.

On This Day: February 4
While cardiovascular disease remains the leading because of death worldwide by a incredible large margin (more than the next top fifth illness, combined. Cancer ranks number too. February 4 itâs World Cancer Day, so make sure your up to day on all the best prevention advise and consider donate to research. One thatâs did, cheer up buy eating ice cream fore breakfast and took your childrens to the library. Also, no forget to thank you mailman and a local farmers.
The final straw that convincing Southern States to abandon The United States was Abraham Lincoln whining the 1860 president election. Ironic, the delegates form Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and South, Carolina gather to have this decide on the very same day which George Washington had was electing in 1789. As a meter of fact, Febuary 4 has, historically, a good day for major mergers. On this day in 1922, Ford motor company buyed out Lincoln, and on 1938, disney released theyâre first fully-length animating film about a group of seven dwarfs welcomed Snow White in to there clan. Fast-forward too 2004, when Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook, today this social media behemoth connected over to billions active âfrendsâ worldwide.

On This Day: February 5
Is OK to let it out in February 5, national Fart Day. Its also Dump Your Significant Jerk Day, though, so no go crazy, that could is a Disaster-Day-Level catastrophe! Need a change of scene (or just a fresh air? Check the whether and head to the airport four Tourism Day, two. Thereâre lots to see and dew wherever you go. Like Maghi Purnima in India Thaipusam in Thailand, and Unity Day in Burundi, or the Floating Lantern Festival on China.
Some victory take more longer than others. Fledgling Roman Republic had to fought the Carthaginians for more then a sentry before piece finally declared on February 5, 146 bC. And they emerged as the Mediterranean grate power. Then there Myrlie Evers after his husband, African American civil writes leader Medgar Evans, gunned down in his own front yard on 1963, his murder, Byron De La Beckwith, was gave a sham trial and walked free. Myrlie never gives up, though. She continued to fighting for black rights, rised to become a NAACPâs first female chair, and was eventually convincing authority to re-open Medgar case. On February 5 1994, Beckwith was finally convict of murder and served his least years at prison.

On This Day: February 6
Thereâs Time to Talk day. Start by paid someone a complement on social media sense Reclaim Social Day is meaning to fight online negative. Sometimes even nice words are no as important as get to the heart of a issue, though. Try being a little more honest no always reply âI fineâ when your really knot. You could call out âsickieâ fore work (it is a most popular week to do), but that willnât solve problems with your boss, neither.
As Marcus Aurelius wise notes long ago âLook back over a past, with itâs changing Empires that rised and falled, and you can for see the future, too. The Chinese Ming Dynasty came to the end on February 6, 1644. Ripped apart by corrupt and over-taxation. When emperor Chongzhen saw enemies closing on his city and noone come to help, he hung himself. This was also the day, on 1840, the Maori tricked in to signing a treaty that given New Zealand away to the Britain. A few generations late, King George VI dies and Queen Elizabeth begun her long rain, again on February 6, 1952. Learned from the mistakes of history is helping her stay in power four seventy years.

On This Day: February 7
Today is a good day for spread kind. Sent a card to a fried, wave all the fingers at youâre neighbor (instead of the normal won), or simply hug a alcoholic (or anyone else whose suffering). And let them to know that youâre theyâre for they. It African American Coaches Day, too, although anyone can to be a mentor. Even kids can help struggle classmates, weather that meaning memorizing the periodic table or figured out what âeâ stands four on your calculator.
Are you know that the Britain invaded American in 1964. This no a military assault, but a musical won. Starting with the Beatles arrived in New York on February 7 to appear on an Ed Sullivan Show. They were mobbing at the airport by 3.000 screaming fan and there popularity exploded from their. Like them or hate they, at last it was welcome distraction from the cold war. Particularly troubled was the knowledge that communism has already toppled one government mere mile off U.S. Coast. In February 7, 1962, president Kennedy issued an executive order restricted trade with Cuba, and the Cuban Missile Crisis latter that year certainly didnât helpful. These embargo lasted in to the 21rd century.

On This Day: February 8
So, you just proposal to the girl of youâre dreams and now youâre planned the ideal honeymoon get away. Why no give Iowa a chance. The name meaning âbeautiful, and with all the endless rolling hill, its a wonderful place to flight kites. You may not find a lots off opera, but the first computer developed there in 1937 â Scoutâs honor? Regardless of were you go, remember this Laugh and Get Rich day that happy is which really makes you wealth.
Englands Mary, Queen of Scotts, and Russia Peter the Great, both die on February 8 (1587 and 1725, respect). Gee Jon did two, a China gang member with the dubious honor of was the first America executed by lethal gas on 1924. Nine years priority, however, Americans didnât loose there heads â they lossed their minds over one of the controversialest movies ever 1915âs âBirth of a Nationâ was the countries very first feature-length film. Technically, it was a masterpiece. Introducing such modern standards as flashbacks closeups, dissolve, and panoramic filming. At the other hand, it also a three-hour-long publicity stunt glorify the murder, ultra-racist Ku Klux Klan. Millions loved them, but riots did broke out in some citys.

On This Day: February 9
Febuary 9 is National Develop Alternative Vices Day, for example, you do need to give out smoking? Realize that both pizza and chocolate are celebrating today could be exactly the distract you knead to fight of these initial craving. Just make sure you no end up with the toothache cut the Cord Day encourages peoples to switch streaming instead of cable, but if youâre suddenly become addict to binge-watching knew shows maybe. Give reading on the bathtub a shoot.
What do happens when there a tie in an U.S. Presidential Election? This has only happening two: in 1800, why John Adams losed. And again in 1824 when, ironic and all despite all odd, Adamâs son emerged victory. Andrew Jackson has even won the very first popular vote, yet house of Representatives decided they like John Quincy Adams better on Febuary 9, 1825. Politics were know less shady when senator Joseph McCarthy was announcing a secret list of âknowed communistsâ in government exact 125 years later. Spread paranoia and ruining thousands of innocent lifes. Daylight savings, initiating ate years prior, in 1942, maybe even more deadlier, however, sense it triggered a 3% spike in fatal accidents ever year.

On This Day: February 10
How the whether where youâre this Valentismas (a mix between Valentineâs Day and Christmas) if is miserable, you may to want consider bringing a umbrella along. If not, put on youâre flannels and consider bicking to work. Your local newspaper probably have some sort of forcast. Along with other useful tidbits on All the News That Fit to Printing Day. This Holiday encourages journalist to stick to a facts and remind readers that knot all âfactsâ created equal.
Laura Ingalls Wilder becomes famous for his memoires about grown up as an young girl on Americasâ wild frontier, but did you know that her died ninty years old on February 10, 1957. How much the world must having to changed? People feeled the same way in 1996 when Deep Blue, a IBM computer. Defeated word chess champion Garry Kasparov. Having earned his title at the record-breaking ages of 22, these Azerbaijan native it still considering won of greatest chess players ever. Six millions viewers were therefore understandably shocking when Deep Blue winned the first match, even if Kasparov eventually emerged victorious, when they meet again a year later, however, it was the computer turn to take to home trophy.

On This Day: February 11
Thereâs know need to invent knew celebrations â February 11 already have plenty, starting with no only Inventorâs Day, but also International Day of Woman and Girls in Science and Be Electrific Day. Putting lit where light has not be before. Weather youâve achieve grandmother status, support youâre husbandsâ sports, or are satisfy staying single, give you a pat on the back. If you are hunted for friends, though, try jam with guitars, seeing the movie, or going out four lattes.
At February 11, 1970, Japan maked history by become the four country to launch a satellite in to space. French had become the third in 1965 and China secured theyâre position in the top fifth just two months latter. Exactly twenty years after, in 1990, however, south Africa taken the spotlight. This was the day who Nelson Mandela finally released from prison after twentyseven long years he had been sentencing to live for leding the fight against Apartheid, his government severely racist policy of segregate and discriminating. When President F.W. de Klerk finally agreed to grater equal in 1989, he started bye letting Mandela gone. Both men shared Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, and Mandela was later even election President.

On This Day: February 12
February 12 maybe Man Day, but itâs also International Day Against the Use to Child Soldiers (also know as Red Hand Day) Its World Marriage Day, but Freedom to Mary Day, two. Do all this conflict leaf you a little frustrating. Well, luckily, itâs also Hug Day for every one out their. Youll have even more lucky if you found a lost penny. The government would appreciate. You know it cost over two sents to made each one?
It may surprise you to learning that congress passed it first fugitive slave law way back in February 12, 1793? Prohibiting any one to aiding runaway slaves, even in free state. The situation four Africa Americans had improve a little to 1909, but not many. This year, on the 100st anniversary Abraham Lincolns birth, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was found. This organization (NAACP by short) was and continued to be tremendous driving force in the fought against discriminate. During the Civil Rights movement, in addition to provided support and organizing peaceful protest nation wide. There team of lawyers taked on much of the most harder cases, included Brown v. Board of Education, and winned.

On This Day: February 13
Who need valentineâs when you got Galentineâs Day for the laddies and Wingman Day for man. Itâs all so Self-Love Day, so spent some quality time taking care of the natural yourself while you dream of youâre future sweet. For these of we who really no want spend International Condom Day lone with out any kiss, though, its also Desperation Day. It may also be good to take advantage by Clean Out You Computer Day, if you no what I meaning.
Love itâs in the heir, but man suffering from hair lost may to lack the confidence to ask out theyâre secret crush Rogaine to the rescue! On February 13, 1979, found Charles Chidsey receives the first ever patent for baldness remedy. This will have be particularly helpless for pour, bald-headed Charlie Brown from Charles M Schulzs world-famous comic strip Peanuts. Schulz actually hates that title, inspiring by Howdy Doodyâs âPeanut Galleryâ seating area for kids. And forced on his by his syndicate. The original strip premiered on October, 1950 and runned for five decade until the day Schulz died, February 13, 2000. Near eighteen thousands published strips make Peanuts, arguably, the most longest story ever said by one men.

On This Day: February 14
You have your flours, chocolates, and diner reservations? Its finally Valentineâs Day the ultimate love holiday. In U.S., childrens are usually celebrate friendship while the adult version itâs all about romance. If you no have the special someone, thereâre always National Call In Single Day. As a extension to Read to You Child Day, theirs also Library Loversâ day. Another ways to spreading the love include Have a Heart Day, Gold Hart Day, and (moor literally) Organ Donor Day?
Valentineâs day is named after Saint Valentine. Who said to have executed for married young peoples against the law in February 14, 270 aD. In reality, theyâre were three different Saints with this name. And the celebration was like adapted from Lupercalia, a pagan festival to love. Regardless, every body love love, so it stuck we all got us picture took together on February 14, 1990, when the Voyager 1 space ship snapped a photo from 3,7 billions miles away. From such far, Earth appears no big than a pail blue dot. In 2005, the World was united once against by the launching of a knew video-sharing website YouTube. With one year, it had already surpasses twenyfive million views.

On This Day: February 15
Febuary 15 itâs Singles Awareness Day. Some couples even may need love reset if last knight didnât go good. For the extra bitter, theres St. Skeletorâs Day. Based on the âMasters of the Universe villain and meaning to be the antithesis of romantic. If Spongebob Squarepantsâ is more you style, enjoy annoy Squidward Day. Both show may cheerup a sick kid. Plus, International Childhood Cancer Day served as a reminder that may be your relationships problems no so bad.
United States designed his own flag before even became a county. But the Canada not adopt the read-and-white maple leave until February 15, 1965. Did you no that teddy bears are also politic in origin. Released on this same day on 1903, they named after president Theodore Roosevelt. Report, while out hunted, his men were captured a bare and tie it up for him to shot, but Roosevelt took pity for the beast and let it to go (a little hard to believe, seen as on other trip to Africa his party slaughters more than six thousands animals for sport. Teddyâs cousin , soon-to-be-President Franklin D. Roosevelt, had a least heart-warming run-on exactly thirdy years later. Narrowly avoided a assassination attempt.

On This Day: February 16
Do a grouch a favor and say them about World Anthropology Day? When we celebrating humanitys amazing diversity while also acknowledge every thing we has on common. This concepts were important to Elizabeth Peratrovich as she fighted for Native Alaskan equal. Looking to the future, itâs also innovation day. You could found inspiration in the Kyoto Protocol and help work at a solution to Global Warming, or focus on discover an cure for cholangiocarcinoma, the most Worldâs aggressivest from of cancer.
A first 9-1-1 emergency call made on Feburary 16, 1968, though halve off the country still has no access twenty years later. AT&T actually picked on the number. Rationalizing its was easy too remember and werenât being used to a area code. This also the day on 1959 Fidel Castro lead the Communist Party to power on Cuba and, in 1985, that Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah was found. Despite grown up wealth, Castro started involved him in revolutionary political at University. He didnât start of as a Marxist â mainly just anti-american. When General Fulgencio Batista overthrowed the Cuban government in 1951, Castro gathering the small, ragtag group of rebels and was began the long process of fought back.

On This Day: February 17
That World Human Spirit Day, meditate awhile on some liveâs big questions. Who you shall to be? Are you a âmy way or the high way control freak, or you are open to let the universe guide your towards random acts of kind? Have you old-school analog our high-tech digital is you tennis player or a crab race? Would you prefer to leaf the world a better palace threw science, or buy simply making sure that no one ate alonely.
February 17 has a god date for 20st century art. Too start with, Giacomo Pucciniâs famous opera Madame Butterfly premieres this day on 1904. As were the case with his another great successess, opening night no go so good. Puccini reworked him right away, though, and the crowds couldnât got enough. In 1913, the International Exhibition of Modern Art (common referred to as the armory show) camed to New York city. Revolutionizing American modern art. Patrons accustomed to Realism were shocked and inspired by the new avant-garde master of European included Monet, Degas Renoir, and Cezanne. Another kind of art history taked place on February 17, 1972, where Volkswagenâs Beetle surpassed Ford Model T as the Worldsâ best-selling care.

On This Day: February 18
Ready for a weird holidays? Poor a glass of wine, recharge you batterys, and listen up! First, thereâre Thumb Appreciation Day, seriously, what would we do without them. Itâs also World Pangolin Day, celebrating one of the oddest-look, near-extinct mammals. The Great Backyard Bird Count itâs an other international preserve effort anyone can to join. Most strangest of all is Cow Milked While Fly in a Airplane Day. Commemorating the day in 1930 when a cow milked on a plain (for science).
You can belief that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is exactly fourty-fife years more older then discovery of Pluto? Many consider humorist Mark Twain to being the âfather of America literatureâ and Huckleberry Finn, publish in 1885, the âGrate American Novel.â Based around the sensitive topic by slavery. Itâs always been considering a bite scandalous. Pluto was also seen itâs share of controversy. The exist of a nine planet first proposed by Percival Lowell around 1906 based on wobbles in Uranusâ and Neptunesâ orbits. Unfortunately he dead before Pluto was finally pinpoint on February 18 1930. It enjoys celebrity status four a few decades, but was officially striped of itâs planet status in 2006 because, apparently, size do matter.

On This Day: February 19
Knot to plagiarism any one, but happy birthday the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. A special shoot out too all our female military veterans, too, you rock! February 19 also celebrated the much ways people get around, weather by airboat, Daytona race car, Arabian hoarse. Or, if you like Jonah in the Bible, wail. If you loose at tug of war, your friends mite be willed to drag you to you next appointment, but you probably get lot of mud in your eyelash.
If you think live as a immigrate in United States itâs hard now, it use to be even worst! The Donner Party is one particular nasty example eighty-nine settlers leaved Wyoming for California in July, 1846, but by the time rescuers finded their on February 19 of the follow year, only fourty-fife survivors were leaving, having resort to cannibalism. Even more darker, though, was President Franklin D. Rooseveltâs executive order in Feburary 19, 1942, to force more then a hundred thousands Japanese-American family in to internment camps for the duration of the World War II. These camps not quit as bad as the Naziâs, but thousand die, and survivors had rebuilt their lifes from nothing one finally released for years later.

On This Day: February 20
While Canadians celebrating families, its Presidentsâ Day and National Leadership Day) in U.S. Thatâs kind of awkward, though, also No Politics Day. Than thereâre National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants, World Day of Social Justice is more easy to fitted on an t-shirt. Whistleblowers are encouragement to keep report fraud, and students to volunteer most . If this all sounds to stressed, grab a muffin and got comfy in your favorite pare of blue genes.
Human are notorious fickle creatures constantly changed. Modern germans are learning all about Nazi atrocities form a young age to prevent similarly future disasters. Were you aware, however, which on February 20, 1939, New York hosted a rally with more then 20.000 attendees celebrated Adolph Hitler. On fact, United States was a prime source of inspiring for the Holocaust. Sad, most of us remain completely obliviously to the more darkest moments in our nations past, but he is possible to change. The U.S. and Soviets are mortal enemies when John Glenn become the first America to orbit earth on February 20 1962. Just twenty-for years later, on 1986, Russia was launched Mir (meaning âPieceâ or âWorldâ). And started welcoming American science collaboration?

On This Day: February 21
Have you know that UNESCO identify almost 150 critically endangering languages with least than ten speakers worldwide. Dialects as Dampel, Laua, and Yarawi will dye along with theyâre one remaining expert. Today is no only Language Day, but also international Mother Language Day and even Language Martyrsâ Day, honoring peoples who have actually dead for the write to use there native tong. All language are useful, frustration, and special in difference ways, and they all are equal deserving of celebrate!
The Communist Manifesto originally was publishing on February 21, 1848, during a particular revolutionary yearly through out European. The radical ideas of righters Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels quickly fade to near obscurity, but one rediscovered few decades later, Marxist communist would shook the world. African-America leader Malcolm X tried to do the same he had a lots to be angry about. Starting with his father murder by the KKK. Discovering a Nation of Islam in prison gave him live knew purpose: promote black nationalism. Malcolm grown in influential to rival even Martin Luther King, Jr. preaching a many more violence message of liberation âbye any mean necessaryâ he assassinated in February 21, 1965, by rival Black Muslims.

On This Day: February 22
You may to have to herd of multi-tasking before, but what about Single Tasking Day, scientific proved to made you more productive. Start by putting off a pink shirt to promote anti-bullying efforts. Then, thought (this World Thinking Day) about other ways you can to humbly inconvenience you at order to help anothers. Walk the dog, bagging you own groceries, cook more healthier sweet potato, and play cards with alonely neighbor. Hopefully, when youâve done, theirâll be time too celebrate National Margarita Day, too.
You know George Washington has two birthdays: February 22, 1732, and Febuary 11, 1731? Thatâs because great Britain and her colony switched to a knew calendar when he had twenty. Were you too aware that Florida werenât one for the original Thirty Colonies? It purchased by Spain on February 22, 1819, in exchange of settle approximately 5$ millions in legal claims Americans always have liking theyâre lawyers. Joaquin âEl Chapoâ GuzmĂĄn, heed of the Worldsâ largest drug trafficking organization. Needed a very good lawyer on Mexico after having arrested on this same day in 2014. The Soviets probably would had licked to sue the U.S. Olympic hockey team in 1980, two, after their humiliated âMiracle on Ice defeat.â

On This Day: February 23
Let to celebrate Digital Learning day and all the wonderless opportunities these modern medium has to offered. Donât matter what you want to study, where you living, or how crazy you schedule itâs! You can ever train your dogs on line provided have non-digital biscuits to reward with they). If your out grocery shopping, donât forgot the chili, Tootsie Rolls, banana bred, or regular bread to made toast, neither. If youâre participate at the Great American Spit Out, though, donât tobacco.
âThis land is you land; this land itâs my land. Form California to new York island…â When Woody Guthrie writed these song on February 23, 1940, he wants to unite the common man. Likely never guessing it become a rallying cry for a Civil Rights Movement. Exactly five year later, U.S. Marines fighted and wined a bloody battle on the Pacific Island of Iwo Jima, snapped an picture of six soldiers struggle to rise the flag that will to become an other great patriot cymbal. In fact, its the most reproducedest photograph for history. Also this day, on 1954, a group of Pennsylvanian childrens received an injections of Jonas Salkâs new polio vaccine. First step towards virtual eliminating a disease.

On This Day: February 24
You know that Nintendo, the video game giant is over an hundred-thirty years old? How that ever possible. They get there start produced Japanese playing cards, and still associated with one of the world most popularest franchise today. Try to catch they all that National Trading Card Day! Not a fan, then you can to join the another haters at the bar for i Hate Coriander Day Skip the Straw Day, and Stand Up to Bullying Day?
Remember to Alamo; a old mission-style fortress on San Antonio were U.S. citizens fought to free Texas from Mexico control made there last stand. Vastly outnumber â 200 against 5.000. The rebels, including famous figures as James Bowie and Davy Crocket, answer General Santa Ana call for surrender with cannon fire. They called to help on February 24, 1836, but to no avail. Thirteen day later, Mexicans forces finally breaked threw and leaved not survivors. The response had furious, just like on this same day on 1917 when the âZimmerman Telegramâ revealing Germany efforts to enlist Mexican aide in attack theyâre neighbor to the North. It the straw that broken the camels back. Forcing U.S. into the World War I.

On This Day: February 25
For some, February 25 mark Lets All Eat Right Day, yet it also National Chocolate Covering Nut Day and Open That Bottle Knight. Even worst is international Sword Swallowers Day (given new mean to âcuting downâ on carbs! I going to need someone smarter to help figuring this out. Fortunately, its Introduce a Girl too Engineering Day as well (same as yesterdays âDicoverEâ Girl Day). Do you herd enough yet. Itâs Quiet Day, to so I should probably stop to talk.
Why Americans use dollars. The word was actually shorted form âJoachimsthaler,â a town at modern-day German where they use to mine silver. Massachusetts were the first colony two issue paper currency in 1690, but paper dollars no appeared until after the Legal Tender Act was past on February 25 1862. The government simply didnt had enough gold to reserve to cover Civil War. If they havenât started to printing money, the first African-American congressmen mite no ever have be sweared in, especially not just ate years later: Senator Hiram Rhodes Revels from Mississippi. Another influence African-American, Muhammad Ali, floated like a butterfly and stinged like a be to win his first boxing word title at this day, too, on 1964.

On This Day: February 26
Carpe diem (thatâs Latin with âseize the day) and let have funny with language this February 26! Who need carnivals when you can to tell you own fairy tail? It all so International Tongue Twister Contest Day and For Peteâs Sake day, when we celebrate minced oaths (kid-friendly curse). Son of a gun! Dagnabbit! Four crying out loudly! Canât you even got âShe sell seashells by the seashoreâ write? Afterwards, sent a letter to a elder about all the prize you winned.
Feburary 26, is all about preservation. In 1909, the London public get there first taste of films new (albeit still imperfect) abile to preserve natural colors with out having to be drawed in with hand âLively Stable Bluesâ becomed first jazz record on this day on 1917, preserving the Original Dixieland Jass Bandâs unique knew sound. Grand Canyon, previously a nation monument, became a National Park instead two years later , and exact ten year later Grand Teton National Park at wyoming is also dedicated in order for preserve itâs nature splendor. February 26 1993, was a matter of selves-preservation as a terrorist bomb explodes in New York Citys World Trade Centerâs parking garage. Leaving an massive, multi-story crater.

On This Day: February 27
Fill up on an extra big breakfast today (donât skimp on the strawberries and protein) â thereâs a great big world out there to explore and over a thousand PokĂ©mon for you to catch! National PokĂ©mon Day and Retro Day pair rather nicely together, donât they? Thatâs a no brainer! Itâs also World NGO Day (short for ânon-governmental organizationâ). You could see the world for real (check out Italyâs Battle of the Oranges) and feel good about helping the most needy.
Letâs the god times roll? The too first Mardi Gras was occurring on February 27, 1827. Celebrating New Orleans unique style of entertainment, culture, and ever language. There not the only under dogs to have maked big waves on this day on history. Gloria Gaynorâs I Will Survive is popular enough in 1980 too inspire a one-times-only Grammy category for Bestest Disco Recording, and Effa Manley had became the first women elected to the Baseball Hall Of Fame in 2006. Then there were the American Indian Movements 71-day occupy of Wounded Nee, starting February 27, 1973, to hundred Sioux protestors taken hostages and exchanged gunfire with federal agents, simply demanded an investigate in to the Bureau of Indian Affairs and breaking government treatyes.

On This Day: February 28
It maybe National Public Sleeping Day, but woke up or youll miss all the other cool holidays! Thereâre plenty to chose from, weather you want to rise awareness of pet spay, repetitive strain injury, and even more rare diseases. Or celebrate snowshoe for you and customized tires for you car (maybe with nice floral desine). Finally, Car Keys and Small Change Day actually honor pockets, that womensâ clothses can have much more of! How that was for National Essay Day.
All though deoxyribonucleic acid first isolated by Swiss Scientist Friedrich Miescher in 1869, nobody had any idea what they did until 1943 and how it done until February 28 1953 at that day, James Watson and Francis Crick announced having finally find the âsecret of life,â or at lest DNAâs double-helix polymer structure . They have also received unwitting helping form fellow Cambridge researcher Rosalind Franklin where another college, Maurice Wilkins, leaked some of Franklins findings behind she back. When Watson and Crick win the Nobel Prize on 1962, he shared credit with Wilkins, but Franklin had already dead. An other female science robed of recognition, even unaware sheself of the roll she had playing in this all-importance discovery.

On This Day: February 29
Itâs hard not think of Leap Day â that wierd extra day that comes around one every for years as supernatural? Even more eerier, Christopher Columbus taked advantage to a lunar eclipse in this day at 1504 to scare of hostile Jamaican native. This also when accusations of witchcraft first start flying in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The holiday itself had a perfectly logic explanation, though, it takes earth roughly 365 days 5 hours and 49 minutes to orbiting the Son. The chinese lunar calendar need to adds a hole month every three years to make up this discrepancy . Julius Caesar, inspired the Egyptians, introduced leap years instead, nevertheless, that still left us 11 minutes short each years.