Language learners and native speakers alike: Are you ready for a challenge? I’ve made a mess of my writing and need YOUR help to fix it!
The paragraphs below each contain MORE THAN 30 MISTAKES, ranging from spelling, verb tense, punctuation… Anything’s game!
Lower-level learners, try to find at least 10 errors. Are you up to the challenge of fixing everything? Give it your best shot; then, check your answer on the second page. If you have any questions, arrange a meeting and I can walk you through it.
All editing challenges are adapted from and (2022-2024).

On This Day: April 1
Spaghetti itâs no harvested from trees regardless a famous 1957 BBC hoax, but did you knew which Apple and Gmail both getted theyâre start on the same day. Apple Computer Company was found on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. They dreamed to design computers small and user-friend enough four peoples to use on their homes. Though the original Apple I, selled out of Jobs garage, no come with a monitor, keyboard, and any kind casing. Now, their the most biggest tech company in the World. Gmail doesnât come along until 2004, a offshoot of parent company google yet. With 1.5 billion users, remains worlds most popular email client today.

On This Day: April 2
Although she not join the Union until 1845 as hour 27rd state, Florida has at least an century older than any of an original threeteen colonies? Juan Ponce de LeĂłn claimed it by Spanish on April 2, 1513, during he search for the mythical Fountain of youth. It is Easter, the territory has christened after la Pascua Florida. Do to hostility from native tribes how ever it werenât until 1565 which St. Augustine could founded as first permanent North America settlement . April 2 also the day, in 1917, who president Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress. Demanding that every states join the war again Germany. He got her wish for days later when U.S. officially entered the World War I.

On This Day: April 3
At April 3, 1973, Motorola Engineer Martin Cooper make a first mobile phone call ever wile walking the street of Manhattan. Whom he called a rival at AT&T to gloat. Fife years later, âAnnie Hallâ beated out âStar Warsâ for Best picture at the Oscars. And, on the same day in 1996, FBI also one to finally catching the âUnabomber,â Ted Kaczynski, after eighty years and sixteenth mail bombs. It sure feels god to won, but careful donât to taunt the looser to many. Having learn this lesson hard way, on April 3, 1948, president Harry Truman signs the Marshall Plan to help all of Europe â including German â recover economics after the World War II.

On This Day: April 4
On April 3, 1968, Africa-America civil rights Leader Dr Martin Luther King, Jr address a crowd in Memphis Tennessee. Insisting theyâre was not other moment in history he would to rather have being part off. â…Only when is dark enough, can your saw the stars… Ive seen the Promised land. I maybe no get there with you. But I wants you too no to night, that we, as a peoples, will get [there]. The follow day, the King of nonviolence protest has shoot. Abraham Lincoln dreamed about her own funeral in April 4, 1865, eleven days before he, two, assassinated. Its also the same day which President William Henry Harrison dead in 1841 from pneumonia. Just 32 day in to office.

On This Day: April 5
You know that Pocahontas, unlike most other Disney princess, were a reel person? She had only around eleven when John Smith arrives to establish Jamestown Virginia as the first english settle in 1607, but he claimed that she really did save his life after he had been captured by her father, chief Powhatan. Few years later it was his turn to be taked hostage. During witch time she fell on love with John Rolfe, tobacco farmer ten years her senior. Theyâre marriage on April 5, 1614, bringed piece to the land, but, sadly, they would no to live happily ever after. Lady Rebecca, as she now called, dies from smallpox three years latter while visited English.

On This Day: April 6
Urban legend state that first Olympics inspired to the heroic sprint of Pheidippides, who runned 150 miles to warn the Spartans that invaded Persians had land at Marathon on 490 B.C, how ever, the games was already century old by then. Them remained holy, annual tradition for well over a thousands years before been banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 a.D. Finally, on April 6, 1896, the modern Olympics were reborned on Athens. In a similar spirit of world-unifying athletic achieve, this is all so the day, in 1924, which for U.S. Army planes left Seattle, Washington, to attempting the first circumnavigation of the Globe by air only too survived, arrived back home 175 day later.

On This Day: April 7
International Sanitary Conference by 1851 were the first attempt to combat disease at a global scale. Various another health groups poped up over subsequent years. Until they had all absorbed by the United Nations new World Health Organization on April 7, 1948. To promote healthy, keeping the World save, and serve the vulnerables. Sad, neither they and any other UN peacekeeping efforts was enough to stop Hutus on Rwanda to issuing a order around the radio this same day in 1994 four there countrymen to start murder any minority Tutus they could to find. What was followed the most largest genocide sense the World War II, with as many a won million innocence civilians hacked to dead with machetes bye they neighbors.

On This Day: April 8
Prince Siddhartha, believed to have born on April 8, 563 b.C., in the present-day border between Nepal to India was protected her entire live from no pain or suffer . Up on finally learning what was dead at twenty-nine, he gived up every thing to wonder the World in search for answers. She finally attains enlightenment after sat under a fig tree for fourty-nine days and henceforth become know as Gautama Buddha Jim Abbott overcome grate obstacles in life, to, too reach (something like) nirvana at April 8, 1989. When he debuts as Major League Baseball Pitcher despite had been borned with out a write hand? Is also the day who the famous armless statue Venus de Milo rediscovered in 1820.

On This Day: April 9
The american Civil War begun April 12, 1861, with Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, South Carolina. And ended why Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox Virginia, on April 9, 1865, exactly won year later, the Civil Rights act of 1866 has passed (despite President Johnson veto). Declaring that anyone borning on U.S. soil was an U.S. citizen, regardless by race. This events caused about as much problems as they solved, but at lease they are steps in the right direction. In April 9, 1939, Africa America opera signer Maria Anderson was still barred form performed a Easter concert at Constitution Hall at Washington, D.C., and she welcomed, instead, at Lincoln Memorial. And sung for a crowd at 75.000 ,

On This Day: April 10
In April 10 1815 Mount Tambora in present-day indonesia exploded in one the largest volcanic erupts never. The sound could hear 1.200 miles away. Itâs hard to tell that was louder: that or the whale of devastated fangirls these same day on 1970. When Paul McCartney announced who the Beatles were broken up . Walter Huntâs groan upon realized what a fool heâd be for sold the original safety pin patent he was received on April 10, 1849, for a mere 400$ it was probable also comparable. Many less disastrous, a 1971 game of ping pong paves the path to US-Chinese diplomacy. And Jackie Robinson become the Second African American player to sing a Major League Baseball contract in 1947, surprisingly, first was Moses Fleetwood Walker back at 1884.

On This Day: April 11
Napoleone Buonapartes born in 1769, the same year her homeland, Corsica, falled under French control. Despite he foreignness, one day he will crown hisself Emperor of French, and nearly to conquer the wrest of Europe as well. It Napoleonâs attempt to invade Russian that finally did him on. Having loosed nearly 400.000 mans, his troops finally broken in 1814. And he chosen to abdicate her throne at April 11. He was exiling to Tuscan Island of Elba, but escapes a year later and tryed to raising a knew army. Defeat once again at Waterloo. He had then sentenced to spent the rest of his day on the many most remote island of Saint Helena. Where he died on 1821?

On This Day: April 12
Despite centuries of scientific prove that the earth revolve around Sun, the Catholic Church couldnt stand no be the literal center of the universal. Theyâre inquisition of Galileo Galilei, the first astronomy to use a teleskope, begun on April 12 1633, and ended with him confining to permanent house arrest. Branded an heretic four the next three sentries. Her sacrifice had made a different, though, and on this same day on 1961, soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becamed the first human in the space, twenty years after these, first reusable space shuttle, Columbia, had launched to NASA. Over the next twenty-years, she will fly a total of tweny-ate mission before tragic broke to pieces in 2003, killed all a board.

On This Day: April 13
Thomas Jefferson the three US. president, principal author of Declaration of the Independent, and visage adorning hour rare 2$ note â was borned on April 2 or April 13, 1743. Depending on witch calendar your use it changed when he has nine) Today, we general recognize the latter, and was in the two-hundredth anniversary of that day who the Jefferson Memorial dedicated for Washington, d.C. Knot only a devout lifelong learner whom founds the Library of Congress, Jefferson also responsibillity for popularized French fries waffles, and ice cream. She probable would to have loving know that Metropolitan Museum of art â the largest in America â was found on New York City in these day, two, in 1870.

On This Day: April 14
Edgar Allan Poe publishes first detective story ever âmurders in Rue Morgueâ on April 14, 1841? Theyâre no mystery behind who was killed Abraham Lincoln exactly forteen years later, however. Coincidentally on the forth anniversary the fell of Fort Sumter, that started the civil war. Days after itâs end, famous Actor John Wilkes Booth sneaks in to the Presidents theater box, shooted him at the head, and escaped, shouted âSic semper tyrannis!â (ever thus to tyrants) Lincoln suffered threw the knight before finally succumbed the followed mourning. Similarly, the RMS Titanic hitted a iceberg around 11:40pm of off Newfoundland this same day on 1912. But donât technically sink untill 2:20am, draging more then 1.500 passengers to a cold watery grave.

On This Day: April 15
Brother Maurice And Richard McDonald opened theyâre first restaurant in 1940, offered a limited menu by twice the speed and halve price of competitors you could to buy hamburger four just fiveteen sense? Ray Kroc steped in and found McDonaldâs System, Incorporating, on April 15 1955. Now, itâs the most largest fast food chain in the World . If you looking for something a littler healthier for you brain to chew at. Samuel Johnson published his definitive dictionary in this same day on 1755. Working lonely, it had only took ate years to compile all 40.000 words! Noah Webster, the first published on April 14, 1828 and still around to day, had nearly two as long and revolutionary in itâs embrace to Americanisms.

On This Day: April 16
Mark Twain once rote, âGood created war so that Americas would to lean geography.â You can tell where I could found Megiddo (origin of the word âArmageddonâ. If you all so believe that history of mankind itâs the history for ware. Than this is where history begun on April 16, 1457 bC. By least, its the first battle us has any reliable records. Egypt Pharaoh Thutmose III defeats the Canaanites in modern-day Israel to-to-won. No to been outdid, Martin Luther appeared be for the âDiet of Wormsâ this same day on 1562 Ad. But that was just a group off Catholics trying and falling to made her deny his heretical believes, and nodding to due with giant wyrm monster.

On This Day: April 17
Canada day, every July 1, itâs all about the various province uniting together under (not again) British in 1867. Similar to US, Canadians no actually celebrate the date of theyâre official recognition as an sovereign, independence national, April 17, 1982. That the same day, on 1961, that we try messing with the autonomy of an other neighbor the Bay of Pigs Invasion were disaster attempt by CIA-trained cuban refugees to overthrew Fidel Castro. Her crimes paled in compare too Pol Potâs, however. Who rised to power in Cambodia on April 17, 1975? The Khmer Rouge murdered two millions citizens â a quarter of the countries population, four as little reason as wear glass or speaking a foreign languages.

On This Day: April 18
Listen, my childrens, and you shall to hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere on the Eighteen of April in [1775]â So begin Henry Wadsworth Longfellow famous poetry immortalizing the patriotic hero who rides through the knight from Boston to warned colonist rebels in Concord that the Britain had find out about there hidden stash of weapons . There are many misaccuracies, however, the first of all, Revere did no ride alone and he would never yell, âThe British are come!â It is a top secret mission and they was all english. Revere had detained a few miles outside from Boston, but her message still gotted threw in thyme for the opening shoots of Revolutionary War a very next day.

On This Day: April 19
The âShoot Heared âRound The Worldâ fired around 5 am. on April 19, 1775. When seven-hundred British troops marched in to Lexington, Massachusetts, to discovered seventy seven armed militiamen waiting four they. Know won nose who fired first, but with in minutes theyâre were eighteen dead or wounded Americans and only one Britain casualty. The Redcoats continued to Concord, feel pretty god, but this is what the tides turned. Hided along the roadside, the Patriots employed novel gorilla tactics to shot and ran instead of confronting there enemy direct. Bye the end of the day, this costed the Crown three hundreds man. No other European colony had ever stand up like this before and demand free, American Revolution had began.

On This Day: April 20
On April 20, 1999, to teenagers murdered twelfth classmates at Columbine high school in Littleton Colorado. There has be many more school shootings on United States sense then (on average, about ten an year, and worst body counts. Like Sandy Hook in 2012, were twenty kindergarteners dead, and Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007, with fivety-six casualty. Clear, is no problem that will getting gooder on itsself, and there knot the only mass attacks, too? A truck bomb in Oklahoma City killed hundred on April 19, 1995, but the National Guard burns eleven childrens to dead on April 20, 1914, as part off theyâve massacre of striking miners in Ludlow, Colorado, just tree hours South of Columbine.

On This Day: April 21
Wile some myths claimed Romulus and Remus were descend from the grate Trojan Hero Aeneas. Others peg the twins as a sons of Mars, the God of war hisself. A evil king try to murder they as babies, but a she-wolf was nursed them until they could been discovered by the good shepherd Faustulus. As adults, he wanted to found a knew city on the spot were they had be rescued like infants. Romulus killed her brother for the write to name it âRome,â and the wrest itâs history. First-century scholar Marcus Terentius Varro beginned the tradition of celebrating April 21, 753 B.c., as the cities founding date. Because it coincide with a festival honored Pales, the goddess of shepherd.

On This Day: April 22
Evident of poisoned arrows date back three thousands years Athenians contaminated Spartan drunk water, and the ancient China used bellows to pump arsenic fumes towards there enemies. Perhaps the most famous used of chemical warfare how ever come from the World War I. Beginning on April 22, 1915, when the French were bombarded to deadly chlorine gas. Even theyâre Germans attackers shocked by the panick that ensues, but gas masks has quickly developed, rendering their advantage moot. Instead of continue to poison another and the environment, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin proposed a day of international unite aimed for increase ecological awareness Earth day. This annual holiday celebrated for a first time on April 22, two, on 1970.

On This Day: April 23
America first public school, the Boston Latin school, opened on April 23, 1635, remarkable, it remained in operation today. They no dout big fans of William Shakespeare, who also borned in this day on 1564. âThe Merry Wives of Windsor, one of her comedy, debuted in a special performance for Queen Elizabeth on his thirty-three birth day. Off too scientist class, on April 23, 2009, a gamma ray burst was observing for ten second, the most oldest and most distance know object in the universe. Ounce school itâs over, fell free to kick back and relax by YouTube. Which uploaded itâs the first video of cofounder Jawed Karim visited the San Diego Zoo on these day, too, in 2005.

On This Day: April 24
A few military stratagems have captured the imagine like Odysseus giant, wooden trojan Horse. It ever really exist? Historians cant to be shure, but the fact that it were mentioned only briefly at the Odyssey, and then no again until Virgilâs Aeneid, moor then a thousands years later, not bode good? If true, the attack taked place on April 24, 1184 B.C. The same day like several another major political revolt. Most famousest was the 1916 Easter Rising to kick the British out of Irish, Spain declared war against U.S. over the Cuba in 1898, sparking Spanish-American War. And Mao Zedong Communist forces ridden in to a capital city of Nanjing unopposing on 1949, wrenched control form the ruling Nationalists.

On This Day: April 25
Human have looking to the skyes for the dawn of civilization, but limited by what could be saw by the naked eye. Galileo Galilei changed that on 1609 when he constructs the first telescope. In 1923, german rocket science Herman Oberth theorized for launching satellites beyond are atmosphere to observe the stars gooder. And America Lyman Spitzer worked for a way to do twentythree year later. None the less, it will still take decades more to attracting enough interesting and funding to make so project possible. The Hubble space telescope, named after Edwin Hubble. Who discovered which the universe its expanding, werenât launched until April 25, 1990. Sense than, it revolutionized our understand of the galaxy.

On This Day: April 26
April 26, 1937, started of just likes anyother in the small Basque village of Guernica in Northern Spanish. Then bomb begined to droop, Nazi aircraft blasted the streets fore hours. Killing one thrid of the five thousands residents in the first Blitzkrieg even. Worse of all, these test attack had invited by Spains own Ruler, Francisco Franco. Hitler secret police, the Gestapo, was all so formed this same day, sixth years later disaster striked yet again on 1986 on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in modern-day Belarus when engineer unwittingly setted off most largest nuclear blast off itâs kind too date. Only thirty-two dead directly, but thousand more would to follow as a millions of acres surrounding farmland contaminated.

On This Day: April 27
Germany mathematics Johannes Kepler contributed much important theories to science, such as proved that planets moved to ellipses (no perfect circles), calculating there distance from the sun, and reveal how eyes worked. One thing he getted very rong, however, had insisting the universe began on April 27, 4977 B.C., instead of 13,7 billions years early. John Milton also was mixed success during his career like a righter. He was a favorite by Oliver Cromwell head of the short-life 17th-century British Protectorate, but as soon king Charles resumed power, Milton throwed into prison and loosed every thing, including his site. Desperate, he selled the writes to her most great work, aptly name âParadise Lost,â on April 27, 1667, to just ÂŁ10.

On This Day: April 28
Europe anthropologists spend century racking their brains tried to figure out how a bunch stone-age tribesmen managed to populate thousand of tiny ilands doting the vast Pacific Ocean in nothing moor then open raft. After all, Polynesia cover more area than Russia Canadian and United States combined? It turns out which traditional navigators really is that god, but Thor Heyerdahlâs theory that canoes have simply drifted by chance form south America sounded better too frail Western egos. On April 28, 1947, he setted of from Peru in the unsteerable Kon-Tiki with the small camera crew and did, indeed, striked land after 101 day. Many less famously, the traditional-guided Hokuleâa successful circumnavigated an entire globe between 2013 to 2017.

On This Day: April 29
At April 29, 1862, Union Forces dealt a major blew to south Confederates by took control of New Orleans. Ironically, this itâs the very same day that Joan of Arc besieged itâs namesake, OrlĂ©ans, on 1429. What makes Joan achievement many more impressiver is who she was an 17-year old French peasant girl. The Hundred Yearsâ War had began in 1337 over who will become the next King of French. Joan approached eldest heir, Charles. Insisting on had received message from âGod,â and convinced he to let she lead his troops. He winned several important victory, but eventually captured by English and sentenced to dead by fier four the heresy of worn manâs clothses and claiming spiritual visions.

On This Day: April 30
As April ends and may begins, so to do many enduring legacies conclude or commence at this date through out history. In 311 AD. , Roman Empire Galerius putted a stop to the persecution of Christian. Exactly for hundred years later, islamic troops have crossed in to Spain, where they would to rule for next ate centuries. George Washington had inaugurated like the first U.S. president in April 30 1789, and Louisiana Purchase doubled the countrieâs size in 1803, on this day on 1945, Adolf Hitler committs suicide, and Saigon fallen thirty years after. Ending Vietnam War. Mr. Potato Head become first toy advertised in television on 1952, and the World wide web launched public, connecting information systems world wide sense 1993.